Chap 14

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-Luna's POV-

At present, I have no work on my timetable. I'm all free and bored just rotating my chair and playing various games on my pc.

LUNA: Riley? Psst!

I gain her attention.

RILEY: Yeah?
LUNA: I have free time afterwards. Let's go somewhere if you're also free.
RILEY: Um... I would love to but I'm unfortunately stuck with some pending assignment due to my sick leaves, so I guess I'll have to stay back.
LUNA: Oh... Ok.. Good luck.

I huff.

What should I do now? Let me ask Mia if she has time today.

<on call>

Luna: Mia? What're you doing after work?
Mia: Nothing, why?
Luna: Let's hangout then. I'm bored...
Mia: As much as I want to, I don't think my body will allow me.
Luna: What do you mean?
Mia: I'm super tired, I think my spine is going to dislocate and my neck is going to break off anytime soon.
Luna: Damn. Salute to your indefatigable efforts.
Mia: Haha. I promise you, this weekend, you and I will do really fun stuff together.
Luna: Love the idea already. See you at home, I'll cook some amazing and healthy food for you.
Mia: My type of healthy doesn't include spinach ok?
Luna: Haha I know I know.

She loathes spinach. I guess I should forget about going out today. I could've asked Dean as well but I know he's a busybody so I don't want to bother him plus we're already gonna see eachother at tonight's driving lesson.

By now I'm pretty good at it, I'm sure I can drive a few miles easily. With nothing else to do I open my laptop and search for a good movie to watch.

Saturday arrives in a flash and I impatiently wait for Mia to tell me what our plan is for today. She's basically the planner when it comes to 'how should we spend our day'.

LUNA: Mia we're even done with the first meal of the day, now can you enlighten me?
MIA: Okay so listen, we are going to...... an Amusement Park!

She hops excitedly and I try to decipher if she's not kidding.

MIA: What? Didn't you like it?
LUNA: Wow. That type of fun didn't even cross my mind.
MIA: Girl..! Amusement Parks are the definition of fun.
LUNA: True. It's been ages since I've been there.

I faintly remember the last time I went.......alongside Ian. We had an amazing time together, I thoroughly remember his scared face on the fastest ride of the park. What good days they were. I wish I could relive each and every moment with you Ian........

MIA: And you know what the best part is? Cole and Dean are gonna accompany us!

She says proudly. Say what??

LUNA: You asked them out too?

Mia nods.

LUNA: And they agreed?

She nods again.

LUNA: Even Dean?
MIA(deadpans): Is that too hard to believe?

She wouldn't like it if I say they might think we're past that age, because according to us, there's no age limit for amusement parks.

LUNA: Wasn't it supposed to be a girls day out?
MIA: Yeah.... But then I thought a group of four will be more fun.
LUNA: Hmm......perhaps. You should've told me beforehand.
MIA: You would've interjected.
LUNA: No I wouldn't have-

She raises her eyebrow at me.

LUNA: -or maybe I would have.... But that's not the point.
MIA: Whatever it is, doesn't matter anymore. We're leaving at 4pm, Cole and Dean will join us there.

-Dean's POV-

Since the past hour, Luna and Mia have been dragging us to every ride.

COLE(exhausted): Okay Mia time out. My feet hurt.
MIA: Already?
COLE: I shouldn't have spent too much time at the gym.
MIA: Your fault.

She doesn't listen to him further and drags him to a funhouse, leaving me and Luna alone.

We laugh at them and then Luna's eyes land on a well known roller-coaster.

LUNA: Come on let's go to the roller-coaster before the line qeues up too much.

She points like I child in ecstatcy.

DEAN: Haven't you had enough?
LUNA: Naahh!

This girl's inner child has really been summoned here. Soon we were at the front of the line where a tall fair ginger headed boy stood. I dig some money out of my pocket sticking my hand to give it to him.

DEAN: Can we have 2-

I was cut off by him who began talking with his gaze on Luna with a pervy grin.

TICKET GUY: That would be 2 tickets, please.

He said with a thick voice and extended his hand with the tickets towards Luna. Pathetic. I move to my right, hiding Luna behind me and thrusted the money in his face.

DEAN: I do not have all day so quicken up!

I say brusqued trying not to sound jealous. He hands me the ticket and I give one to Luna and get seated on the together.

LUNA: I've heard this one's the fastest ride in the whole park.
DEAN: Are you scared?

I tease her.

LUNA: Pfft! No way!

She says confidently flipping her hair.
The ride slowly takes off and we start to incline. Blood starts rushing when we reach the acme of the structure.

I feel some tugging in my arm, when I look beside me, Luna has her eyes shut tightly while she hugs my arm. I smile at her cute vulnerable state.

All the noises stop, we feel a rumbling as the roller-coaster dips. The ear piercing screams of all the thrill seekers behind and infront of us only boost the adrenal glands into full throttle.

Our bodies shake from the twists turns and loops, I put my other hand on Luna's to make her feel secure.

The thrill comes to an end when the ride comes to a stop making Luna reopen her eyes. She gulps and immediately unbuckles her belt.

We get off and I watch her breathing heavily.

DEAN: You look like a tomato.
LUNA: Wha- Who.... Me? Noooo

She tries to deny and huge grin is plastered on my face.

DEAN: Okay then let's go again.

I say grabbing her wrist and pretending to go back again.

LUNA: NO! NO..... DEAN...

She tries hard to wrest away and I let go guffawing at her reaction! then she realizes I was just mocking her.

LUNA: Ha ha! Very funny.

She rolls her eyes and stomps towards a candyfloss machine.


FUNNNNN!! Who loves Amusement Parks? 🤩🙋🏻‍♀️ Hope you guys are enjoying the story!🥰

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