Chap 4

16 5 0

-Luna's POV-

<on text>

Dean: Hey! It's me, Dean
U up?
Luna: Hi there!
Just got to bed
Dean: Sorry to disturb u at this hour
Luna: Don't be
So tell me what's up
Dean: Abt the meet up at the dog park. It's near my house
I'm sending you the location
*receives the location*
Luna: Oh it's like 20 mins from my house.
Dean: I can pick u up
Luna: Y do u want to come all the way here and go back again😂 I'll come don't worry
Dean: I have no problem😉
Luna: Hahahah looks like you've got a lot of fuel to burn
But no thanks just tell me the time
Dean: 😅😅
Oh yea at 5pm.
Luna: Alright. Goodnight!
Dean: Goodnight Luna!

I put my phone aside with an unusual giddines. I still can't believe I agreed to meet this man again. I've never done that in my entire life, like meeting a guy and then start to hangout. It doesn't feel eerie at all. Is that something I should be afraid of?

Naahh I doubt that, I should think positive and look forward to our friendship. Dean is a good person, he doesn't seem eccentric, shady nor like a perverted jerk.

The day arrives for our rendezvous. I know the dog park sounds weird but it's cute.

MIA: Luna there's a new Cafe opened just at 5 min walk from our place. Let's go try it out. I've heard their macrons are super tasty.

She says as she locks her arm with mine dragging me to the door.

LUNA: Uh sorry Mia some other day. I've already made plans with someone.

She stops and blinks at me several times.

MIA: Plans? With whom?
LUNA: Dean. We decided to meet at the dog park tod-
MIA: Wait wait, hold on a sec.

She interrupts holding a finger.

MIA: Did I miss something?
LUNA: No. Don't think ahead. I told you when we coincidentally met at the art gallery and talked more at the Cafe...

She nods.

LUNA: That's when we exchanged numbers and made this plan.
MIA: Thank God it's planned this time.

I nudge her playfully. I leave my house take a cab to the park. Upon reaching my eyes search for Dean but I fail to find him. I walk further in and see a black dog running towards me.

LUNA: Oh hiiii Kevinnnn.

I bend down and give him scratches while he wags his tail restlessly.

LUNA: Aww you're such a handsome dog. Who's a good boy huh? Who's a good boy?

I talk to him in baby voice.

DEAN: What about his owner?

I lift my head towards the person standing infront me and chuckle at his question.

LUNA: Well........ Kevin's more handsome.

He pouts.

DEAN: I agree. Kevin really likes you, he's doesn't like people much, I'm surprised.

I flick my hair on the compliment.

LUNA: Well you can't blame him, I am attractive indeed.
DEAN: I agree on that too.

His instant reply causes me to blush. Kevin soon runs off to play with other dogs while Dean and I stroll around.

DEAN: So what're doing these days?
LUNA: I have the same routine, from home to work and vice versa. I tend to visit art galleries once in a month. That's it.

I shrug. Wow it sounds desolate saying out like that.

DEAN: You sure are a work person. What about on weekends?
LUNA: Sleeping, snacking, Netflix. Usually Mia and I spend quality time together like watching movies, shopping and board games.
DEAN: Uh.. Mia.....
LUNA: Oh she's my friend from university and we share an apartment together. She's a designer too and a really fun person.
DEAN: Oh nice. Atleast you don't live alone.
LUNA: Do you?
DEAN: Yeah and honestly it sucks. It's just me, Kevin and a bunch of servants.
LUNA: What about your parents?
DEAN: My mom lives with my younger brother in Australia. My dad died out of a heart attack after whom, I needed to take over the company when I was only 20. Apart from them, Cole is my only best friend.
LUNA: I'm sorry. That was so early must've been challenging for you.
DEAN: No no it's fine. Yeah I wasn't initially given the top position even though I was the son of the owner of the company. I worked as a normal employee first then I was trained by my father's trusted associates. I finally became the chairman plus CEO when I was ready, at 24.

I was literally moved by his career path. Not for a split second it seemed like he was bragging about blood, sweat and tears that went in.

LUNA: Wow. Your hard work did pay off.
DEAN: Thank you. Still I was criticized as some thought I didn't earn it fair and square. Some even thought I killed my own father.

I gasp, that's horrible.

LUNA: That's awful!
DEAN: I know right. But it doesn't affect me anymore and my skills shut them all up.
LUNA: That's the spirit!

We smile and spend a few moments in silence before I'm asked the same

DEAN: What about your family? Where do they live?

I stop in my tracks and sigh.

LUNA: My parents died in a car accident when I was 10.
DEAN: I'm really sorry.
LUNA: You don't have to be. My aunt Jen took me and my younger brother in. She brought us up till I had to move out into the dorms for university.
DEAN: She sounds like a lovely lady. But no one can replace parents' love.
LUNA: She is indeed. Maybe... but aunt Jen gave us her everything like we're her real children.
DEAN: She's so compassionate. You also mentioned your brother where's he?
LUNA: He died 2 years ago.

I say dropping my head down, I can feel my heart getting heavy.

DEAN(pity): My condolences Luna.

He puts a hand on my shoulder as a gesture of comfort.

DEAN: Ok tell me his name. I'm sure he must be a good looking young man just like his sister.

Dean makes an attempt to cheer me up making me smile.

LUNA: He sure was. His name is-


Getting to know about each other's family is another step towards stronger friendship💪🏻

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