Chap 8

13 3 0

- Dean's POV-

My head is into the files that are lying before me. The heap of documents are the proof that this project is huge. It's challenging and onerous.

My father always told me 'a successful businessman is audacious of the risks'. After reviewing the material I intercom Nick calling him inside.

NICK: Yes boss?
DEAN: I've selected 3 out of the shortlisted interior designers. You can set up a meeting with them now.
NICK: Alright.
DEAN: I'm hoping you've already taken care of other workers like electricians, glaziers, plumbers, carpenters etc.
NICK: Yes boss you don't need to worry about that.
DEAN: Good.

My phone rings and I immediately answer the call from our client.

<on call>

Dean: Good afternoon Mr Collins.
Mr Collins: Good afternoon Mr Dean. I personally called to invite you over lunch. I hope you don't have any plans elsewhere.
Dean: One sec Mr Collins.

I partially remove the phone from my ear and quickly ask Nick if I have to go somewhere at lunch and he assures me that I do not. I reconnect the phone back to my ear.

Dean: We can surely meet I don't have any plans.
Mr Collins: Great then I've been wanting to talk about work related stuff and I have a casual meal at the same time.
Dean: Ofcourse.
Mr Collins: Alright then, my secretary will provide details of the location to your secretary.
Dean: Ok Mr Collins see you then.

I disconnect the call and inform Nick about it. Soon he receives info about the reservation.

NICK: It's at 1pm.
DEAN: Ok. You'll accompany me.
NICK: As you say.

After an hour we make our way to the place and find Mr Collins already waiting for us.

MR COLLINS: Welcome Mr Dean.
DEAN: My pleasure.

We do a formal handshake and sit on a table of four as he is also accompanied by his secretary. Our lunch is served shortly afterwards and we begin our work related colloquy.

MR COLLINS: I've been informed that you've appointed best of the best from the construction industry for our project.
DEAN(smirks): You've heard correct.
MR COLLINS: I'm pleased. I was thinking to visit the construction site after lunch. Join me?

I look at Nick and he slightly nod indicating I'm free after lunch.

DEAN: Sure why not.

Even though I visited last week but I'm happy to go with my client too. We drive to the site and stand infront of the project under construction.

MR COLLINS(smiles): Nice going!

His satisfied smile causes me to smile internally too.

MR COLLINS: I was really pensive about this one and couldn't contemplate which company should I assign it to. Now I'm glad I handed it over to Carters Cooperation.
DEAN: I'm obliged and I promise I won't let you down.

He lightly pats my shoulder and I don't mind cz he's a sweet old man. We talk a little further and then part ways.

After returning home, I call my childhood friend and ask him to come over if he doesn't have any plans. We do meet up quite often. He agrees and arrives within an hour. We do a bro hug and sit comfortably on the couch.

COLE: Man you've been so busy lately, there's so much to catch up on.
DEAN: I know right. You tell what's going on in your life.
COLE: There's tough competition going on between the brands so-
DEAN: Na-ah, bro quit talking about work. Tell me something else.....

He understands what I'm pointing to.

COLE: Oh hahaha, I actually asked out someone.

I immediately sit up.

DEAN: You what? When? How?
COLE: Hahaha some weeks ago. She works under me, her vivacious and vibrant personality is what attracted me towards her from day one. But I needed to maintain that stiffness so everyone else doesn't get a you know...
DEAN: Yeah yeah I understand it's a workplace after all.

He nods.

DEAN: So when will you introduce me to her?
COLE: Soon, we're still adjusting to this relationship.

I pat him on the back.

DEAN: Good wishes.
COLE: Thanks. What about you Mr tough guy?

DEAN: I'm not as fast as you. But yeah I've made a new friend...
COLE(wriggles eyebrows): Friend huh?
DEAN: Yes. She's soft-hearted and decent. Overall, she has a nice personality.
COLE: Oooo, that's the most you've been descriptive about any woman. She must be special.

A smile spreads across my face when I think about her.

COLE: Is someone blushing?
DEAN: Shut up!

I throw a pillow at him and I join him laughing. We talk all night about various stuff having snacks paired with some beer.

-Luna's POV-

7pm on the clock and I'm still in office...working. I refrained from working at home because there all I hear would be my bed calling me.

Somehow my thought drifts off to Dean, it's been quite long since we last met, unfortunately being busy alot lately. Should I call him? He's the one who initiates a conversation everytime, so now it's my turn. Also, because I kinda miss him.

I pick up my phone and just when I'm about to hit the call button, the screen lights up showing his name. Talk about timing! I frown inwardly cause I failed to initiate this time too.

<on call>

Luna: Hey Dean what's up? I was about to call you.
Dean: Wow is that so?
Luna: Ahan.
Dean: Hmm... by any chance did you miss me?

I can already feel him smirking from the other side making me bite my lip.

Luna: Maybe.... Maybe not.
Dean: What kind of an answer is that?

I laugh. He moves on because he knows I won't admit.

Dean: So what're you doing?
Luna: I'm at office.......working
Dean: Don't you get off at 5?
Luna: Yup I do but had some pending work.
Dean: Oh. Too bad I was wondering if we could meet today.

Damn this work!

Luna: Yeah I wish..... No problem some other day for sure.
Dean: Ofcourse. Continue your work I don't want to distract you.
Luna: Oh no you weren't. Anyways I'll call you later.
Dean: Ok bye!
Luna: Bye!

Ugh! Why did it have to be today :(  I whine. After like 20 minutes I hear faint footsteps which start to grow louder. My eyes get glued on the door to see who steps in.

[Luna's Workplace] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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[Luna's Workplace]

A small idea on Dean's current project. Who do you think would step in....?? Stay tuned to find out! 😉

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