Chap 29

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-Dean's POV-

Broken. That's all I can say to describe how I've been feeling. The true essence of making my life beautiful, has gone away from me.

Smothering my outburst, I dryly continue to work on my laptop. Ugh, I can't concentrate! I might be able to work better at home.

On my way, I drop by Nick's cabin to inform him of my leave.

NICK: You could've called me instead.
DEAN: No it's ok. I was already on my way out.
NICK: You're going somewhere?
DEAN: Yes, I'm not feeling well so I'll be working from home.
NICK: Ok boss, get better soon.

I nod and just when I reach the parking lot, I remember. Ahh! Shit the file. How stupid of me, I forgot to bring the file I had to go through. I enter the elevator again ascending to the 12th floor.

I could've asked someone to bring it to me but I don't like them rummaging through my stuff.

I pick up the file and exit my office. On my way, I hear a hysteric laugh from inside of a cabin. Nick? What is he laughing about?

Standing near the door I hear him talk as if on call with someone.

NICK: I'm smarter than you could imagine, my friend. I have my own ways to get what I want.

That sounds so unlike him.

NICK: I know it's taking longer than expected for that idiot Dean to promote me.

How dare he!

NICK: Don't underestimate me, my friend. Don't you remember how I accused Ian of theft sending him to jail?

He snorts. My hands ball into a fist turning my knuckles white.

NICK: The plan was perfect to remove that low life undeserving moth out of my way. He was the only obstacle plus threat to the position I coveted since years! The timing was perfect and Dean was foolish enough to believe me and not him.

Hit by a bolt out of the blue, I stumble back. What....... Was all of that a set up?? Ian wasn't lying, he didn't double cross me, Nick did!

NICK: Yeah yeah. Hah! Dean? No he just trusts me blindly plus he's acting like a love sick puppy these days so-

I slam the door open barging in furiously, catching Nick off guard. His emotions vaporize rooted to his spot.

NICK(staggers): B...Boss..

Without letting him speak further, I punch him right across his jaw making him fall on his desk.


I grab him by his shirt collar.

NICK: Boss... I..I...can explain....
DEAN: SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I didn't know I was growing a snake up my sleeve.

I want to beat him up so bad but I constrain my anger.

NICK: I'm....s..sorry boss... Please....forgive me...

Forgive? After everything he's done? Sending Ian to jail because of which he committed suicide, because of whom Luna blames me, because of whom we're not together anymore!

I fiercely drag him by his collar though the end of the building, my other employees were surprised and scared too witnessing the scene. I push him into my car and drive away.

-Luna's POV-

I'm currently seated comfortably on the couch reading a book when my phone rings.

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