Chap 23

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-Luna's POV-

Till the next week, Dean and I get occupied with work. Although we stay in touch via texts and calls but that's different.

Friday evening, after returning from office, I crash on the bed and some how doze off to sleep.

My sleep is disturbed when I feel someone continuously shaking me.

MIA: Luna? Get up!
LUNA(groans): What is it Mia?
MIA: Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep but there's someone at the door asking for you.

Me? I wonder who it is so I go check.

PERSON: Are you Luna Wesley?
LUNA: Yes.
PERSON: This is for you, sent by Mr Dean Carter.

He lifts a huge box and hands it over to me.

LUNA: Ohk. Thank you.

I shut the door with my foot and place the box on the bed. An envelope laid on the top which I opened up to read.

To Luna,
I think you'll look gorgeous in this dress. Wear it for me to the party. I'll pick you up at 8pm.
Love you!

How cute. I untie the ribbon and lift the lid to reveal the dress Dean chose for me.

I am starstruck when I find the dress to be from RV created by me. Oh my God! He did not!!! It's the same dress I told him that I wanted to buy as my first created design but didn't as I couldn't afford it. It even contains a pair of golden heels.

I cannot even express how deeply moved I am. Without wasting a second I dial his number.

<on call>

Dean: I assume you liked the dress.

I stay silent.

Dean: This one was your favorite right?
Luna: You have no idea how much this means to me Dean...
Dean: I do my love, I do.
Luna: Thank you....
Dean: You're welcome. Now I can't wait to see you in that dress.
Luna(chuckles): See you tomorrow.
Dean: Goodnight.

I end the call. This guy is such a thoughtful person, it's like I fell for the perfect guy.

Next day, I merrily dress up into the maroon outfit which fits me perfectly enhancing my slim figure.

LUNA: Ugh why can't I reach it?

I say frustrated not being able to zip it up to the top. I leave it midway for the time being and carry on with my makeup and curling my hair from the bottom.

Suddenly, I hear Dean's car honking. He's here. I glance at the clock, right on time.

I try harder to zip it up but fail. What the hell! Even Mia's not home or else I would've asked her. My phone starts to ring displaying Dean's name. Shit.

<on call>
Dean: I'm here Luna.
Luna: Yeah I know....
Dean: I'm waiting.
Luna: Um can you come upstairs? I need some help.
Dean: Alright.

I cut the call and leave the door open for him. The door squeaks open and he enters.

DEAN: Everything ok?
LUNA: Yeah.... I just.....can you help with this..?

I turn around to show him and he understands. He takes steps towards me while I watch him from the mirror infront of me.

As soon as his fingers touch my cold skin a tingling sensation sprouts through my body. He slowly pulls up the zip to the top maintaining eye contact with me through the mirror.

Can someone turn on the AC cause this was DAMN HOT! My breathing hitches when out of nowhere he bends his head and gently kisses the top of my shoulder. Electrifying!!

LUNA: We're gonna get late.

I manage to say still looking at him through the mirror.

DEAN: Couldn't help, you look breathtaking.

He smirks and turns me around to face him.

DEAN: If it wasn't for the party I would've-

I place my finger on his lips preventing him from igniting the fire, otherwise we might not be able to make it to the party tonight.

LUNA: Let's go now.

We make it to the party. I stand irresolute in front of the entrance, sensing my nervousness, Dean entangles his arm around mine giving me a reassuring smile as we enter alongside.

The paparazzi waited outside clicking pictures of approaching businessmen and women. When our turn came the flashlights were blinding us, God save my eyes. Avoiding further attention we straightaway enter the hall.

The party is grand and ornate. Woah! I have never attended such an event like this before, to be honest I was feeling out of the place.

A fine man in his fifties met Dean with a huge smile plastered on his face, I'm assuming him to be Mr Collins.

DEAN: Meet Luna, my girlfriend.

My eyes dart off to Dean, did he just say girlfriend? Awww.

LUNA: Hello, nice to meet you.
MR COLLINS: Nice to meet you too, young lady.
LUNA: Congratulations for the success.
MR COLLINS: Thank you. By the way what is your profession?
LUNA: I'm a designer, at RV.
MR COLLINS: Oh? Wonderful. You do look creative.

I chuckle. We chit chat some more and Dean proceeds to introduce me to important figures of his company.

I get tired already and so stand at a table with a glass of drink. I could not recognize anyone except one person who caught my eye, Nick. For some strange reason he was trying his best not to be in my sight. I may be wrong as I already dislike him.

GUY: Hey there?

I lift my head to see a guy in black suit, around same age as Dean referring to me.

GUY: Hi, I'm Reed Collins. And you are?

He offers me his hand, just to be nice I take it unwillingly.

LUNA: Hi, Luna Wesley.
REED: Luna... That's a pretty name, just like you.

Eh what a cliche compliment. I withdraw my hand forcing a smile.

REED: You don't look familiar, do you probably work at Carter's Cooperation?
LUNA: Uh no, I'm a designer at RV.
REED: Oohh, a designer. How fascinating. I wonder what a designer is doing here...

He advances towards me with a weird smug. I don't get good vibes from him making me uncomfortable.

LUNA: I came here with someone.
REED: Oh really?

He lifts his brow raising his hand in an attempt to touch my arm when a voice stops his action midway.


Time to see Dean's possessive side😏
Have a nice day readers!✌🏻

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