Chap 24

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-Dean's POV-

At a distance I see Luna standing at a table. She must be overwhelmed, it's fine if she needed a break. But I keep on glancing at her while I converse with my affiliates.

The next minute I lay my eyes on her, she has company. I recognize the person as....... Reed, son of Mr Collins. Damn it, he's bad news.

My blood boils when I see him going near her, Luna's facial expression screams uneasiness. I excuse from the group of people and stride towards them.

DEAN(sternly): She's with me!

I state in a possessive tone. How dare he try to lay his hand on her!? Looking at me he backs away from her and I go stand beside Luna putting my hand around her waist.

REED: Ohhh. Alas! And what a lucky guy you are Mr Dean.

He mocks me.

DEAN: I know right, only what you can imagine to be.

His smirk turns upside down on my comeback.

REED: Anyways, it was nice meeting you Ms Luna, here's my card, in case you wanna stay in touch....
DEAN: Oh that wouldn't be needed Mr Reed. Luna already has someone to stay busy with.

I take that card from him and tear it into two infront of him. Luna looks amused at his audacity. Reed glares at me, reading my dominating and rigid expression makes him give up so he struts off without speaking further.

Hadn't he been my client's son he would've gone with a broken nose.

DEAN: Mr Collins is calling us for dinner, let's go.

She nods and I place my hand on the small of her back leading to the dinner table.

We sit and eat at the dinner table with the group of people. Reed behaves well infront of his father and doesn't dare to raise his eyes at Luna again. Good for him.

DEAN: We shall take our leave now Mr Collins.
LUNA: We had a great time.
MR COLLINS: Glad to hear that and good to see you with someone Dean. Best wishes to the couple.
DEAN: Thank you very much.

I look at Luna who smiles shyly in response. I drop her at home even though I don't want to.

LUNA: Reach home safe.

Unfastening her seatbelt she steps out of the car as I watch her walk away from me. Damn this.

Right away I get out of my car marching towards her. She gets startled when I grab her arm twirling her around and smash my lips on her plump ones. The kiss was passionate and fiery leaving us breathless.

I couldn't resist her allure. That was my goodbye now.

DEAN: Good night...

I say in a raspy voice boring my eyes in hers.

LUNA: Good night...

I let go of her then walk to my car, driving away taking last glimpse at her flushed face.

Going home I call my secretary Nick and tell him to take care of the media and news as I don't want to hear or see any trash about Luna tomorrow.

Our private life is ours and should be respected.

-Luna's POV-

Am I dreaming? Why does everything feels so good to be true. Is love this beautiful and surreal? I'm living my life at my prime and it's definitely different from my childhood.

Oh Ian, I did it. I've come a long way. I did not let your hardwork go in vain.

My eyes moisten holding the picture frame of me and my brother.

MIA: Luna? Are you ok?
LUNA(sniffles): Yeah, I was just missing him.
MIA: Aww, he'll be really proud of you up there.
LUNA: I hope so too.

I look down.

MIA: Oh babes, cheer up.. looking back from where you started, you did achieve your goal. I can tell, as I've seen how hard you worked after Ian's death. I know how you sacrificed your sleep, peace and social life working part times at libraries and coffee shops just to chase your dream and become a designer like your brother wanted. You're stronger than this Luna.

She's right I remember how things went downhill after my uncle passed away. Ian found a job then took my responsibility for my education to lessen burden on aunt Jen.

A tear slips from my eye and Mia immediately wipes it off pulling me into a bear hug.

LUNA: I really miss him...
MIA: I know babes...

All thanks to Ian, Aunt Jen, Mia and now Dean. World is mean, it is hard to
find people like him nowadays....

Office just seems so boring now, everyday I crave to meet Dean but our packed schedules do not allow that.

Thank God it's Friday so I plan a movie night for tomorrow. I call him right up.

<on call>
Luna: Heyyy wassup?
Dean: Missing you sweetie, what about you?

I instantly blush at the nickname.

Luna: I miss you too. Which is why let's spend time tomorrow, how about a movie night?
Dean: Sounds perfect. Tell me which movie do you want to watch I'll book tickets. Or, you could come to my place I have a mini cinema, I guess that'll be better. But anyways upto-
Luna: Woah woah woah, hold your horses mister!

I giggle at how excited he sounds.

Luna: I've already decided, movie night at my place.
Dean: Hahaha, alright as you wish ma'lady.
Luna: See you then! Bye!
Dean: Bye!

Tomorrow's gonna be a good day....


Ooo that possessiveness!!🔥
Luna worked really hard to reach where she is now which helped her to grow stronger💪🏻
Now let's see what tomorrow awaits for the two lovebirds....

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