Chap 25

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- Dean's POV-

A week later, I finally get a chance to meet my girl again. I've noticed that her ways of spending quality time are very simple and cute which is amongst one thing I love about her.

Standing infront of her apartment door I ring the bell. She opens up almost right away as if she was waiting.

LUNA: Heyy!
DEAN: How have you been?

We greet each other with a hug. How much I missed holding her in my arms.

LUNA: Good. And you?
DEAN: Now I'm good.

I earn a smile from her.

DEAN: Where's Mia?
LUNA: She's spending the night with Cole. Don't worry no one's gonna disturb.

She winks at that.

DEAN: Okay........ so what are we watching?
LUNA: Let's see.

We take place on the couch infront of the TV.

DEAN: Nice couch.
LUNA: Hehe thanks, Mia and I often watch movies here so we wanted to get a really soft and comfy couch.

It sure was really comfortable and big.

LUNA: What genre do you prefer?

She asks turning on the TV.

DEAN: Nothing specific. We can watch anything you want.
LUNA: Ohk then... Let's see....

She says skimming through the movies.

LUNA: Oh and what do u wanna eat?
DEAN: How about pizza? It's been long since I had it.
LUNA: I'll order it right away. Here.

She gets up to fetch her phone to place the order handing me the remote.

Okay so let's see what we have. I stumble over a movie named 'A Walk To Remember'. I've heard a lot about it but haven't watched it yet.

LUNA: Here you go.

She brings in hot chocolate.

DEAN: Oh wow. Did you make it?

She nods curtly. I take a sip and it tastes........heavenly.

DEAN: Woahh this beats the restuarant hot chocolate.
LUNA: Really? Thanks.

We get comfortable on the couch with a fleece blanket on top and a cup of hot chocolate in our hands.

LUNA: A Walk to Remember?
DEAN: I've heard alot about it but haven't watched, have you?
LUNA: Jinx, because same here.

That's a relief. I play the movie. Gradually as the time passes we get cozier. It's currently autumn so all of this feels really good.

At a point when the scene gets very romantic, Luna slightly lifts her head, her hooded eyes containing the sparkle she always has, successfuly captivating me. I slowly lean in to kiss her when the the stupid door bell rings.

We snap out of it and she immediately gets up.

LUNA: Looks like our pizza's here.

And she was right.

LUNA: I'm starving I could eat a whole box.
DEAN: Don't make me laugh.
LUNA: Heyy! I'm not kidding.
DEAN: Looking at you, I can't really tell.
LUNA: I hear that alot but trust me I'm a good eater.
DEAN: You mean like chowder?

I earn a smack from her making me giggle at her pout cutely. We continue to eat and watch the movie.

Soon she puts her head on my shoulder yawning.

DEAN: Someone's gonna pass out.
LUNA: No no I'm still wide awake.

I scoff. We'll see about that.

After a few minutes she feels her eyes getting heavy and as expected, sleep succumbs her. I glance at the clock, it reads 12:15 am.

I don't want her neck to hurt therefore, I carefully lift her head from my shoulder then pick her up in bridal style carrying the sleeping beauty in her bedroom.

I delicately place Luna on the bed and tuck her under the blanket. I closely adore her angel face sleeping soundly as I caress her hair. Placing a kiss on her forehead I prepare to leave but she holds my hand stopping me from walking away.

I look at Luna but her eyes are still closed. I smile before gently removing her hand kissing on top of it.

DEAN: I love you so much...

Whispering out the words I start walking away but suddenly stumble over a shelf at the side. A photo frame flips over but I catch it in nick of time. Ouch my leg!

My head turn to look at Luna who's still in deep slumber. Phew, I could've disturbed her.

I look at the photo frame in my hand, it's a picture of Luna with............. Ian?
Wait what? Hold on. I look closely and it really is Ian Wesley.

My face feigns shock, my head snaps to the sleeping figure of Luna. No way..... Ian is her brother? My heart pounds inside my chest. I immediately place the photo frame back on the shelf and rush out.

Reaching home I fall on the bed calming myself down, my mind is a mess right now. WHAT IN THE WORLD! She said her brother passed away, so did Ian........ NO NO NO .... THIS CAN'T BE! He was in jail! When did he die? Why didn't I get the news?

I grab my hair wretched. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED 2 YEARS AGO...??

Is Luna aware? Does she know that I was the one........ No...... She can't be pretending..... Maybe she doesn't..... Why did it have to be her to suffer...!!

Is this really a coincidence....??


What did just happen......?👀😶
Too much left to be unraveled so stay tuned to find out!
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