Chap 19

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-Dean's POV-

Since the day she left, the house seemed.....incomplete, although on week days she used to spare a few hours to spend with me but still her presence around me mattered.

It's been a month now, the cut has left a scar, it doesn't pain much so now I've started to be physically present at the Company.

Luna and I do meet like once in a week but I crave for more since she has made me gotten used to her.

Unfortunately, these days she has been busier due to an upcoming launch. I have received an invitation personally from Mrs Jones, the owner of the RV brand. Luna also insisted me to come and I assured her I will, as for the first time her designs will be displayed.

-Luna's POV-

Today's finally the day, the launch of new seasonal clothes. I've been pretty satisfied with how my designs turned out, now it's time to collect responses from the clients.

I stand next to Riley at the main outlet of our brand looking at customers rushing in and checking out the clothes and bags. Mrs Jones is also currently on the round giving her views to the relative designers.

RILEY: You know your designs are the most chosen this season.
LUNA: Yeah, I couldn't believe it when Zach told me that.
RILEY: Oh I see ma'am approaching. See ya around!

She whispers before disappearing.

LUNA: Morning ma'am, welcome.
MRS JONES: Morning.

She scans through my designed clothes while anticipation slowly eats me inside. God please let me hear good words from her.

MRS JONES: You've done a marvelous job Luna. Personally, your designs are perfect according to majority preferences.

I smile broadly at her remarks which raises my self-esteem and aplomb.

MRS JONES: Uptil now I've heard all good responses regarding your work. I'm totally impressed.
LUNA: I'm obliged.
MRS JONES: You're a prolific person. Keep it up.
LUNA: Thank you ma'am.

I bow slightly before she passes me a genuine smile before wandering off. My happiness is beyond the sky today.
My eyes keep glancing at the main entrance as well, wishing for Dean to show up.

RILEY: Hey come on here.

Riley asks me to join a group of our colleagues and we start chit chatting.
When someone's name catches my attention.

COLLEAGUE 1: Is that Dean Carter?

We all turn around to see, spotting the right man.

COLLEAGUE 2: Yes. Knew he would come as he's the VIP customer of RV and a good friend of Mrs Jones.

Really?? Why didn't I know that?

COLLEAGUE 3: He looks young and handsome just like always.

It takes every ounce of me to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the way she's gawking at him.

Dean is accompanied by his secretary Nick whom I recognize and other two people whom I don't. He currently stands conversing with Mrs Jones, in between, his gaze shifts to me. Shoot I was already staring at him, I pass him an awkward smile which he acknowledges.

I return talking to others then I assist a customer who asks about my clothes.

LUNA: No ma'am the material is of really good quality and extremely comfortable and the embellishments...........

I proceed to provide her with details that I do not notice someone else standing near me.

CUSTOMER: I like it. Thanks.
LUNA: Your welcome.

Convinced she decides to buy a piece.

DEAN: Congratulations!
LUNA: Oh Dean, Thank you!
DEAN: You've done a terrific job, I'm so proud of you.
LUNA: Aww. So which one of my designs caught your eye?
DEAN: One? I'm a fan of all.
LUNA: Ha ha no buttering please.
DEAN: I'm serious.

My heart falters.

DEAN: You tell me which one is your favorite?
LUNA: Oh this.

I show him my most favorite of all.

DEAN: Wow this sure is pretty. You can wear this at an opera or something.
LUNA: Eh I wish.
DEAN: What do you mean? It's your creation won't you wear it someday?
LUNA: I haven't bought it.
DEAN: But why?
LUNA: Have you checked the price? It's one of the most expensive pieces from this collection. I'll have to use my two month salary to buy this.

That's true. I have wished for this for a really long time that once my first collection is out, I'm gonna buy the most favorite one. After checking the price tag I gave up, I bet I can live without it.

Dean goes silent, understanding my position and probably being sad for me.

LUNA: It's fine, next time I'll save up and buy my work.

Dean smiles proudly before closing the distance and embracing me into a hug, my heart skips a beat at the initiative. I missed his contagious scent. A few seconds later I realize we're at a store surrounded by people who have no idea that Dean and I are friends.

LUNA(whispers): Uh.. Dean... People are watching.
DEAN: Let them, I don't care.

Woah! I love that boldness. After a while he pulls away.

DEAN: I'll take my leave now, catch you later.

He winks making me blush. His public acknowledgement towards me is something new.

I watch him bid farewell to Mrs Jones at last before leaving the store.

RILEY: Ehm ehm.

I turn around to find Riley with her arms crossed.

RILEY: What was that?
LUNA: What was what?
RILEY: Ms Luna spill the beans already.

Oh boy....!


Yayy Luna's collection launch! So proud!
Aahh that sudden hug without caring about anyone around. Bold move!

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