Chap 22

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-Dean's POV-

After hearing my confession Luna's been more shy, timid and cute, which I absolutely adore. I did not expect she would reciprocate the same feelings let alone say it out then and there. It made me so happy that I cannot even describe, all of this feels so surreal.

LUNA: So what do you wanna do on your birthday?

She asks plopping on the bed.

DEAN: Spend time with you.
LUNA: You're already doing that so apart from that?
DEAN: We'll go out for dinner.
LUNA: That's all? No fun?
DEAN: Do you want to do something?
LUNA: Hmm......Yes..
DEAN: What?

She hoists up.

LUNA: Go get ready, we're leaving in 10.
DEAN: But where?
LUNA: You'll know.

She winks and exits my room. I get changed then we meet in the lounge.

LUNA: Give me your car key.
DEAN: You'll drive?
LUNA: Ofcourse, I'm the one who's taking you. And don't worry I have my driving license now.

Without thinking further I hand her the keys and we get seated in the car.

DEAN: Be careful ok?
LUNA: Relax Dean, don't doubt your teaching.

It took us pretty long to reach the destination.

LUNA: We're almost here, cover your eyes.
DEAN: Is that necessary?
LUNA: Yes!

I surrenderingly close my eyes shut. When that car comes to a halt, she quickly unfastens her seatbelt, gets off and comes to help me get down covering my eyes with her small ones.

LUNA: No peeking ok? Walk slowly.
DEAN: Okay okay.
LUNA: Alright so 3 2 1!

She removes her hands and as soon as I open my eyes, I get mesmerized.

DEAN: Wow! This place is beautiful!

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DEAN: Wow! This place is beautiful!

I exclaim walking forward taking in the picturque view infront of me.

LUNA: I know right?

Wow I never knew that a place like this existed in this city, because it's not well known and is kind of a hidden spot.

LUNA: Come here, sit.

She taps on the place beside her and I go sit beside her.

LUNA: Isn't it refreshing?

She says after deeply inhaling the fresh air.

DEAN: Yeahh..

I copy her.

DEAN: How did you find this place?
LUNA: My brother did. After moving here, he discovered this place and then shared it with me. He would bring me here whenever I used to feel down.

Luna tells me staring afar at the lake. She must be really attached to this place then.

LUNA: I stopped coming here after.... his death... This is my first time since then too.

She looks at me with a smile. I encircle my arm around her shoulder pulling her in.

DEAN: From now on, I promise to bring you here whenever you feel down, and that's my promise.

Her smile broadens.

LUNA: Also promise me to never leave my side and always be honest.
DEAN: I promise my love and in return no matter what happens I need you to trust me.
LUNA: I trust you blindly because I know you'll never hurt me intentionally.

Her strong belief makes me gratified.
Upon hearing this I plant a kiss her on her forehead and encircle my arm around her shoulder as she puts her head against my chest.

LUNA(softly): I love you...
DEAN(softly): I love you more...

We continue to relish the moment in each other's company.

After witnessing the sun set at that beautiful place we go back home. Luna straight away crashes on the bed.

LUNA: It was too far! I'm so tired.
DEAN: Rest up all you want but don't forget we have to go for dinner as well.
LUNA: Ahan. I remember.
DEAN: 9pm.

She gives me a thumbs up before I leave her alone in her room while I straighten up my back in my room too.

Around 8:30 I walk back and forth in the lounge waiting for her. I ask the maiden to check up on her and she reports that she'll be down in five minutes. Thank goodness I thought maybe she fell asleep.

She descends down wearing a short black dress looking gorgeous.

DEAN: You look stunning!
LUNA: So do you.

She giggles cutely. I drive her to the place where I arranged a candlelight dinner for us.


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UNA: It looks so pretty and......romantic.

She exclaims scanning the arrangements. The ambiance indeed is romantic, fancy and warm.

LUNA: I really thought we'd be going to a restaurant.

We take our seats oppositely.

DEAN: I just wanted it to be two of us, with no one around.

I whisper the last part which makes her blush even more. The waiter serves us with dinner, we talk on and on under the sky beaded with shining stars.

I avoid asking her questions related to her past because I know she's been through a lot and I don't want to remind her of it spoiling her mood, so I keep them for some other time.

Apart from that the date goes perfect which consisted of a good feast plus laughs, momentarily flirting, small intimacy like holding hands and learning new things about eachother.

After spending a lovely night together I drop her at her place.

DEAN: To be honest, this was the best birthday so far. All thanks to you.
LUNA(grins): Glad to hear that.
DEAN: Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Mr Collins, my business client, has kept a party celebrating the success of our collaboration.
LUNA: Oh that's nice.
DEAN: I want to take you as my date.
LUNA: M... Me?
DEAN: Yes, who else?

I get why she said that. She's hesitant towards opening up our relationship out in public as she could receive a backlash from the media and all. I comfortingly hold her hand before speaking again.

DEAN: You don't need to worry about the world Luna. You are mine and I'm not afraid to show it to others. I think it's about time they know that Dean Carter is officially taken.

I smirk making her smile too.

DEAN: Just like I said before, trust me.

She nods in response. I hug her for the last time before she enters her apartment.


A romantic date indeed! 😍🥰

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