Chap 16

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-Luna's POV-

I eagerly look around when my eyes land on a car parked at the end of the alley. It seems like Dean's.

LUNA: Dean is that your car?
DEAN: ...Yes...

He manages to speak. Without wasting a single second I try to lift him up.

LUNA: Come on. Let's go.
DEAN: It's here?
LUNA: No I'm gonna drive you to the hospital.
DEAN: Leave it. I can wait.
LUNA: No Dean I can't! Just trust me.

I kinda scold him then carry him to the car, make him sit in the back seat, grab loads of tissues and with my shaking hands stack them up on his laceration to lessen the bleeding.

LUNA: Press it.

I hastily sit in driving seat, take a deep breath and then start driving to the hospital. Soon we arrive, I help him get out of a car and then make way for us into the hospital.

LUNA: It's an emergency! Any doctors?

I shout calling out for help a few nurses run towards us and then help him get into a room. I watch them take him away from me and wait outside.

Another nurse asks me if I need any medical aid looking at my state as my clothes and hands are stained with his blood. My arms have one or two bruises otherwise I'm fine.

LUNA: I'm ok, thank you. How's Dean?
NURSE: He'll be fine the doctor said you arrived in time otherwise he would've lost a lot of blood.

I feel relieved but not completely unless I see him. I did right bringing him here instead of waiting for the ambulance. Sometime later the doctor comes out of the room.

LUNA: Doctor, how's Dean? His wound isn't that bad right?
DOC: It would've been bad if you didn't have bought him earlier, his skin was tearing apart increasing the bleeding. We've cleaned it up and stitched it. I've prescribed some painkillers and ointment and please make sure that he keeps his movements to minimum, otherwise the stitches could tear.
LUNA: I'll make sure of that Doctor. Can I....... see him?
DOC: Yes.
LUNA: Thank you Doctor.

I enter the room and find Dean resting on the bed with his eyes closed. He must be tired. I quietly sit on a chair by his side.

Oh Dean..... What did you got yourself into. It's all my fault. This happened in an attempt to save me. If anything happened to Dean I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself. I'm glad there are no internal complications.

Shortly Dean starts to flicker his eyes open. He smiles weakly once his gaze meets mine.

DEAN(raspy voice): Hey.
LUNA: Hey.
DEAN: I'm proud of you.

I tilt my head confused as to what he's referring to.

DEAN: You drove well.

Is this guy serious? He just regained his consciousness and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is a compliment...?

LUNA(scoffs): Learned from the best indeed.

His smile widens. He tries to get up and instantly the pain kicks in making him scrunch his face.

LUNA: Be careful!

I exclaim as I get up to help him out.

LUNA: The doctor said you shouldn't move abruptly and too much.

The doctor enters and he asks away what seems like he's been waiting to ask.

DEAN: Doctor when can I go home?
DOC: You can if you want. All you need is rest. I'll get your discharge papers ready.

With that he leaves.

LUNA: I'll go sign them and buy the prescribed medicines.

He nods, meanwhile he calls his driver and bodyguard to escort him home. When I'm done I accompany him along, hoping he wouldn't object.

Once we reach his house, my jaw drops. His house is so beautiful and huge! This isn't the time Luna. His bodyguard brings us to his room making him sit on the bed and then leave us alone.

LUNA: Do you want to inform your mother?
DEAN: No, she'll get worried.
LUNA: She's your mother, she deserves to know.
DEAN: You're right but she's overseas and busy, I just don't want to trouble her with the news.
LUNA: Hmm. Okay..... Should I inform Cole?
DEAN: Maybe. He'll find out somehow cause he visits me too often.
LUNA: But that's different.

I point out and he allows me to inform Cole. As soon as I tell him he arrives promptly, as expected. I also asked him to bring a pair of clothes for me from Mia.

COLE: DEAN! How are you my friend?

Cole barges in.

DEAN: I'm fine now.
COLE: Clearly you're not.
LUNA: Um... I'll leave you two to talk.
DEAN: Wait.

He calls one of his servants, who's a middle aged woman.

DEAN: Take Luna to the guest room next door.

She bows slightly, Cole handsover me a bag and then she escorts me to the room beside Dean's.

MAIDEN: You can freshen up here.
LUNA: Thank you.

It's a smaller room compared to Dean's but spacious and tidy. I take a shower and change my clothes. I find the maiden on the same floor.

LUNA: Um.. Hi once again.
MAIDEN: Do you need anything?
LUNA: Can you show me the way towards the kitchen?

She takes me there.

LUNA: Uh... I was thinking of making some soup for Dean, can you help me?

I ask politely.

MAIDEN: Oh dear why bother, that's my job.

She's so kind.

LUNA: No please, let me make it for him. You can help me find the ingredients.
MAIDEN: Alright alright.

She brings all the ingredients that I will need and I start preparing my special soup that I've learnt from Aunt Jen. Mia repeatedly asks me to make this for her when she's sick. After sometime, I'm done.

MAIDEN: Mm that smells good.
LUNA: Really?

I give her a spoonful to taste.

MAIDEN: That's delicious.

I smile satisfied. As I pour the soup into a bowl, Cole descends the stairs.

LUNA: Are you leaving?
COLE: Yes for now. I'll come back again tomorrow.
LUNA: Ohk.
COLE: Do you want me to drop you?
LUNA: No, I can't leave Dean like this. I'll return when I feel he's getting better.
COLE: That's really kind of you.
LUNA: Oh can you please handle Mia? My phone's dead I'm sure she must've been calling me.
COLE: Don't worry I'll take care of her.
LUNA: Thanks Cole.
COLE: No problem at all.

Cole takes his leave and I advance towards Dean's room with the tray in my hand.

DEAN: You're still here?


Thank Goodness Dean's alright and  Luna's there for him...... Sweet! 💛 Why did Dean ask that... Doesn't he want Luna to stay?😬

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