New Life

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Midoriya stood in the foggy haze, squinting. He could make out Mr. Aizawa, picking up what he assumed was his body.

Since the moment he felt his eyes close during the fight with Muscular, reality had become hazy. The only explanation Midoriya could come up with was that he had died.

He was quite surprised that he was still on the Earth. From the rumors he heard, the spirits of the dead only stayed on earth because they hadn't finished something important while they were alive.

Midoriya didn't know what he had to finish, unless it was to pass on One for All. Yeah, that was probably it.

As Midoriya shook himself out of his train of thought, he realized that the haze had cleared a bit. Enough for him to realize he was now in the camp house.

Midoriya guessed that his spirit must follow his body, due to the fact that his broken body was on the floor, as a portion of his classmates surrounded it.

To his shock, and his undead classmates' shock as well, purple mist appeared under his body, and was swallowed up.

Midoriya, linked to his body, found himself in a gray room. No decorations, no windows, no nothing. Just walls. And the haze. The haze was always there.

A few hours later, the ground underneath Midoriya opened up, and his body fell, dragging him along with it.

He slowed himself down as he watched his body hit the floor with a sickening ✨Thud✨.

  "Well that sounded nice." Midoriya muttered. He turned his head towards a creek behind him. A single person walked in through a metal door. They looked ✨Sus✨.

After some time had passed, he watched his body being lifted up, and as he looked, trying to clear the haze, he could make out Todoroki chained against the walls, anger filling his eyes.

Once again, his body was dropped with a loud ✨Thud✨. He could hear Todoroki's voice, but he couldn't do anything. The chains clattering against each other, keeping Todoroki tethered to the wall.

It seemed as if Todoroki was being displayed on a Tv of some sort. He wasn't in this room, but he supposed something was happening. The words "Camera Off" flashed onto the screen, then disappeared.

"Mute." The Man said, and the screen replied with the words "Muted" appearing on the screen.

"Well, Izuku Midoriya," the man said, approaching Midoriya's disfigured body. "I have quite a bit in store for you, but first, I'm gonna need you to be, how do I put this, mobile."

Midoriya stared at the man through the haze, questioning who on earth this was, when the man reached forward and grabbed Midoriya's pale forehead. 

Midoriya stared at the man, and when he blinked, he opened his eyes to find the man's hand on his forehead.

Midoriya jumped back, wincing as his arms hit the floor, pain shooting up them.

"W-what the heck..?" Midoriya mumbled, looking down to find the body he had just barely been disconnected from.

"Well! I'm glad to see it worked." The man said. "Now if you wouldn't mind, please refrain from fighting back. It will only cause you more pain."

"W-what on earth do you mean? W-who are you?" Midoriya stuttered. "Oh. How rude of me to not introduce myself." The man chuckled. "I am All For One. I believe All Might told you about me. At least, he should have."

Midoriya shuddered as the stranger introduced himself. This was All For One? The villain who could take, and give quirks?

"W-what do you want from me?" Midoriya whispered, his fear getting to him. "That answer is quite simple. Since I am unable to steal your quirk, the most logical thing to do is to turn you into one of my minions. A Nomu!" AFO said, an unnatural happy tone to his voice.

Midoriya froze, looking at the villain in the um, eye area. "What..." he whispered, barely audible. 

"Yes a Nomu! And now we need to give you your first quirk! Maybe, a telekinesis quirk. Yes, that seems like a good idea." AFO said, reaching for Midoriya.

Midoriya stumbled back, pushing himself against the cold, metal wall. "Stay away from me! I-I don't want any of your quirks!"

AFO stared at the greenete, a small chuckle escaping his mask. "Boy, I'm afraid you don't have a choice."

AFO pressed his hand to Midoriya's forehead once again. (Dis is so cringe 😬) Midoriya struggled in his grasp, but it had no effect.

"Oh. I almost forgot." AFO laughed. "Unmute."

A sudden, sharp, piercing pain shot through his skull, spreading throughout his body. Midoriya shrieked, clawing at the hand gripped to his head.

He kicked as hard as he could, with no effect. Still screaming, Midoriya could barely hear his own thoughts.

AFO removed his hand, and Midoriya gasped, as he stopped screaming. AFO placed quirk erasing cuffs on Midoriya, before chaining him to the wall. He could hear Todoroki freaking out, his friend, classmate. All Midoriya could think of was the pain and trying to not pass out, and then he heard something that broke him.

"If you promise not to hurt him, I'll join your league of bastards." Todoroki growls.

Shigaraki talked next, obvious happiness flying through the air, "Excellent. I knew you would come around eventually. For now we will keep your quirk canceling cuffs on, for safety measures I'm sure you understand."

After that, everything went black, as Midoriya passed out, from the pain, and the energy it took to gain a new quirk.

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