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The villains had left, but no one could move. Sato's body laid on the floor, eyes open, and his face still looked scared. His brown spiky hair had fallen flat.

When the heroes got there, Kirishima had fallen asleep on Youyarozu's shoulder, Shoji had pulled Sato into a giant bear hug, and closed his eyes, some had sat down on the couch, others had started to stress eat.

Midnight turned to Aizawa. "I thought you said Midoriya's memories had returned to him, and that he'd no longer be attacking the class."

Youyarozu looked up from the sleeping rock on her shoulder. Midoriya didn't do it. The one that killed him did it, only to be killed in return. Don't you guys see the pile of ash by Shoji?

Mina tripped over the rug, and ran up to Midnight and Aizawa. "Excuse me, Aizawa Sensei, but Midoriya didn't do it." tears started to trickle down Mina's cheek. "None of them were at this attack. It was only people from the camp, and Shigaraki." She pointed to the pile of ashes by the human octopus. "Muscular killed Sato, only for him to be turned into ashes."

The heroes glanced at the ash Mina pointed to. Mina fell to the floor, and buried her eyes in her hands, bawling. Through all of their hardship, all of them had made it out alive. Until now, when the muscle of the league of villains had killed their kind hearted friend.

"Sato's r-rea-lly g-gone isn't he?" Uraraka cried.

Shoji nodded his head. He could feel no pulse, and Sato's body was cold against his warm one. All six of his arms wrapped around his body like one last bear hug. 

All of them had started to cry now – except for Kirishima, who was dead asleep – and the heroes couldn't do anything to ease the burden and trauma that the cruel villains made them watch.

From what some students had said, Sato had been strangled and killed, and when Shigaraki noticed, he got so angry, he killed Muscular.

The students had all talked to Aizawa, Midnight, and All Might, talking about what happened with the villains. None of them said anything about Kirishima, probably because they could only hear him.

When Youyarozu was told to go talk to them, she asked if they could get Kirishima back to his room, so he could sleep peacefully, and they could break the news that it wasn't a bad dream when he woke up.

All Might, being the strongest of the three, agreed, and carried Kiri to his room. When he returned, Youyarozu had tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

They walked into another room, and started talking. Youyarozu then went into detail on what happened with Kirishima.

"He was forced out of his room, and dragged downstairs, right after Sato had died, so he didn't get to see that thankfully. But when he fought back, Shigaraki said something, and Kirishima started to have a panic attack. I wish I could've done something to help him sooner, but with one of Twice's copies holding me down, I got there as soon as I could." Youyarozu started crying now. Replaying the scenes in her head was not the cheerfulest of things.

The more the heroes questioned out of the remaining class, the more people say they heard what was going on, but only Youyarozu had the courage to turn her head and watch. Only she had the courage to fight back, and try her hardest to stop what the villains had put Kirishima through. They were ashamed of themselves for acting like captives, instead of the heroes they were aspiring to be. 

"Class will be canceled until further notice. The best thing you can do is stick together, through the rest of this hell together." Aizawa announced.

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