Chapter 24

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After hours of struggling, Todoroki and Bakugo were free of the chains holding them back. Both of them had their backs to the wall, hiding their phones.

"I'd recommend against fighting, boys." Magnet said. "We can still make the sweet sound of pain."

Todoroki grabbed his phone and turned around, creating a wall of ice that separated him and Bakugo from the league.

"We may not be able to fight, but that doesn't mean we can't be on the defensive side." Todoroki announced.

Ding. The boys looked at their phones.

"We've called your parents, and told them the news, however we still don't know where you are." Todoroki whispered. "Tsu sent that one, but it looks like everyone else is chiming in too."

Bakugo put his phone on silent, then grabbed Todoroki's phone, put it on silent, and handed it back to him.

"Boys... what are you planning?" Dabi asked, warning creeping through his voice.

Todoroki sighed, and sent his location to his mom. He didn't know how much time he had left, so he told her he loved her, and showed the phone to Bakugo. Bakugo copied, put his phone away, snatched Todoroki's, and put it in his pocket.

They both sat down, right as Dabi burned away the ice, and noticed Bakugo's hand behind his back.

Dabi pushed Bakugou forward, and ripped the phones outta his hand. "THIS is what you were doing!" Dabi yelled, flaunting the phone in their faces, while Monoma and Shigaraki chained them back against the walls, placing the quirk canceling cuffs back on. "You boys...ARE STILL TRYING TO PLAY HEROES! SNAP OUT OF IT! BOTH OF YOU JOINED THE LEAGUE, NEITHER OF YOU ARE HEROS ANYMORE!!!"

Todoroki hung his head. While he got the message out, they weren't able to get anything other than what Tsu said. He tried his best, but he failed. What good was he in the hero world? 

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