Chapter 32

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Midoriya found himself at the U.A. dorms again. This time, it was a mission with Monoma and Midoriya was still being controlled by Kurogiri

His conscience had found a way to get to Todoroki just in time to help Bakugo, but had been yanked back when he was transported here.

"Shigaraki said our mission is to wipe out at least 50% of Class 1-A. I can do that." Monoma said to himself. 

Midoriya walked behind him and broke down the door. His classmates screamed, and Kirishima ran right up to Midoriya without giving Monoma a second thought.

"Midoriya!" Everyone yelled.

Midoriya stood, and looked at them with cold, dead eyes. Kirishima took a step back, and looked at his friend. The Midoriya that stood in front of them wasn't the Midoriya any of them remembered.

"Monoma! What are you doing back here? I thought you joined the league of villains." Kendo said, shoving her way to the front.

Monoma looked at the ground. "I did join the league of villains, and we're here on a tiny little mission." He looked Kendo in the eye, unaware of what the villains were planning.

Midoriya leaped over, pushing Kendo onto the floor. Everyone jumped back screaming. Midoriya pinned her arms down, and started glowing. 

Kirishima jumped in, shoving Midoriya off of her, but getting pinned down in return. He looked Midoriya in the eyes, activating his quirk, yet as Midoriya started glowing green, pain shot through Kiri's arms.

Everyone watched in horror, as Monoma guarded the door, and Midoriya slowly crushed Kirishima. Ochoco had enough, so she ran to the bathroom, as quietly as she could. She opened her phone, and called the school. She told them what was happening at the dorm, and suddenly they hung up.

Ochoco walked back out of the dorm, but was very loud this time. Monoma looked at her, but never looked her in the eye. Instead, he looked Aoyama in the eye.

Midoriya leaped off of Kirishima, and leaped onto the person next to Aoyama. Iida. Ochoco screamed, while Kiri was dragged away by Shoji and Tokoyami.

Iida struggled under Midoriya's grasp, while his eyes started boiling with anger. Both of them started glowing green, while Midoriya crushed Iida ever so slowly.

Before Midoriya killed Iida, the door opened, and Monoma looked at All Might. Midoriya jumped up, and leaped at All Might, who was shoved to the ground. The teachers took a step back as they watched both of them glow green.

"Young... Midoriya?" All Might gasped.

Aizawa ran in, and erased everyone's quirk. Midoriya leaped off of All Might, as emotion slowly started to show in his eyes.

Aizawa watched as his trouble student started crying, his eyes buried in hands, trying to shrink down. Ochoco ran over to Midoriya and tried to hug him, but he violently flinched away.

"Hey, Deku, everyone's alright. You didn't kill anyone." She whispered, concerned about how he had moved away from her. 

This startled Midoriya. He jerked his head up, and looked at Ochoco in fear. When he looked up, he saw Monoma walking through the warp gate.

"What did I do?" He whispered distroughtly.

Ochoco, Tsu, Mina, Youmomo, and Hakugure hung their heads. Midoriya looked around, and noticed that only two of his classmates weren't there.

"Where's Kirishima and Iida?" He breathed, his voice trembling.

Mineta crept through everyone's legs, and looked Midoriya in the eyes, his eyes starting to run down his cheeks. "Y... you... attacked... them." he said slowly.

Midoriya looked around, everyone's faces confirmed it. "What was I doing on All Might?" His favorite hero was recovering from something he did. He couldn't be a hero anymore. His dream was shattered, and it wasn't even his fault, nor did he remember what he did.

"You attacked him too. You also attacked Kendo from class B." Tsu croaked.

Midoriya couldn't believe his ears. People he never dreamed of fighting, he fought. And won. "Todoroki, and Kacchan... Where are they?" he asked, hoping he didn't hurt them too. 

"We don't know. It was just you and Monoma." Kaminari remarked.

Monoma. Why was he with him? He's still a student. How is he with the league? Was it wilfully, or was it forced? Questions flew into Midoriya's head, as he muttered the possibilities of each question.

Everyone smiled slightly. Their Midoriya was back, but with their luck, how long would it last? Aizawa walked over, looking at the greenete, and smiled.

"Midoriya," Aizawa started. Midoriya looked up, and stopped talking. "We were thinking of a way you, Todoroki, and Bakugo could come back. But after what you just did -"

"Sorry, but what did I do?"

Everyone looked from Midoriya to Aizawa. Their Midoriya had no recollection of the horror that took place. It was more like someone was using Midoriya's body for their dirty work.

"Young... Midoriya." All Might coughed. 

Midoriya uncurled from the ball he had contorted himself into, and looked at the number one hero. The normally buff hero was now skin and bones. Everyone gasped.

"What was the last thing you remember seeing?" All Might coughed, standing up. "It might have been..." he trailed off, but Midoriya knew exactly who All Might was referring to.

"I remember... telling Kirishima that the last attack wasn't my fault. I remember telling Kirishima that the villains are going to use me. I remember..." Midoriya was crying again now, so he didn't notice Kirishima limping in, held up by Shoji. 

"We were in a warehouse." Kiri interrupted. "He was slowly losing his memories. His exact words were 'I'm losing my memories, which is a part of the 'Nomufication' process. I can't even remember... argh! That thing where we fought each other! You need to try to not let this bastard turn you into a Nomu! At all costs. At the very least, cling to your memories. The ones I keep replaying in my mind aren't leaving as quickly, but, if you focus on them, it'll give you more time'. At that time, I didn't believe it. Until a few minutes later, when you didn't even remember what the Sports Festival was. You knew we fought each other but that was it. You told me it wasn't your fault, but I was still in denial.

"When you attacked today, I recognized the cold, dead look in your eyes when you lost your memory the first time. Kendo wasn't hurt that badly, because I stopped it before you could do anymore damage. She can walk, but her arms are pretty messed up.

"Iida wasn't all that bad either, but because you knew where our quirks were, and how they worked, you attacked that part first. His legs are pretty messed up, so he's sitting on the couch." 

Midoriya looked at Kiri's body. His arms and legs were terrible, and Shoji had to make sure his head didn't fall off his neck. From what he heard, Kiri had the most of it.

"You should be resting. Those injuries are worse than I've had. Why didn't you use your quirk? It's all over your body, I-"

Midoriya stopped talking. Looking at his body, he could guess why. He stood up, and took a step backwards, not trusting his own hands near his friends, when the purple fog returned.

Aizawa reached forward, but a wall of ice stopped him from erasing any quirk. A hand reached out, and grabbed Midoriya by the neck. He froze. "Shigaraki." he gulped, voice quavering as he was pulled back into the purple haze while his friends stood, frozen in horror. Midoriya had left, as soon as he returned, but this time, they saw Bakugo come out, explode the wall of ice, before being dragged back in through the purple mist.

"Another one bites the dust." Kaminari sang.

Shoji reached over, and slapped Kaminari upside the head. "Not the time... Pikachu." he remarked, sounding more like Bakugo, than his usual calm self.

"Fine... Bakugo."

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