Next Level Attack

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"Quite the small little building isn't it." Muscular noted, turning toward the school. "Close to the school though, so it's convenient."

The villains continued walking toward the dorms then stopped. If they entered now, some of the students would get out of their grasp. Shigaraki glanced at Twice, who quickly made copies of himself.

"Sixteen... Seventeen. We're good to go."

The villains started walking again, and blasted through the door. They walked in, looking around at the students. The copies of Twice ran to a student, forcing them down to their knees. Only one copy remained by the original four.

"Where's the last classmate?" Shigaraki hollered.

He walked up to the one in front of him, and grabbed Youyarozu by the chin, forcing her to look up. Shigaraki stroked her chin with his middle finger, while Youyarozu flinched in fear.

"Youmomo!" Uraraka screamed.

The Twice holding her down covered her mouth, and the rest of the copies followed, except for the one holding Youyarozu down.

"I'll ask again. If you don't answer me this time, I'll go searching through every single room until I find them. And when I find them, it won't be very pleasant for any of you. Where. Is. The. Last. Classmate?" Shigaraki started putting pressure on Youyarozu's chin.

Youyarozu gasped, and grabbed onto his hand. From a distance, she could hear the muffled screaming from each classmate. Unsure of what they'll do, everyone stopped using their quirks.

Muscular walked over to the boy right next to her. Sato. He waved off the copy holding him, and picked him up, by the neck. He grabbed Muscular's arm, and started trying to speak.

"Kiri... shima... is... reco... vering... in... his... room..." he coughed.

The copy of twice that used to be holding Sato down, turned, and headed for the stairs. The other copy of Twice crumbled, and Muscular started squeezing tighter.

Shigaraki let go of Youyarozu, and the copy grabbed her mouth, making it so she couldn't say anything. Muffled screaming continues to be heard from every corner of the room, as Sato turns purple, before stopping to struggle with Muscular.

When the screaming stopped, Kirishima was thrown into the room, and jerked onto his knees, despite his cries of pain. He looked around the room, but could see no sign of his green haired friend.

He looked up, as the copy grabbed his mouth, forcing him to look at the villains. He looked at the ground to see his friend's body.

As he stared in disbelief, memories of his time in captivity flooded his brain. Tears fell from his eyes as he mumbled Sato's name. The rest of the class followed this.

Shigaraki smirked, and turned to Muscular. He placed his hand on Muscular's face, disintegrating Muscular. The class looked on in horror, at this power they never knew he had.

Kirishima bit the hand of the copy holding him, and the copy released him, a yelp escaping his mouth. Kiri quickly stood up, grabbing the wall for support.

"Why did you come here? Was it just to prove that you're better than the rest of us, or did you have some purpose?"

Shigaraki snapped his head over to the redhead, fuming with anger. Shiggy scratched his neck for a few seconds before lunging. He knocked Kiri onto his back, causing Kiri to yelp in pain. As Kirishima bit his tongue, trying to hold back any sounds that would make his pain clear, Shiggy grabbed his neck, and started stroking it with his fifth finger.

"I thought Master made it clear that you weren't supposed to fight back." Shiggy growled.

⚠️Panic Attack Trigger Warning ⚠️

Kirishima looked at Shiggy with absolute fear. Not here. Not now. He wasn't in the mood for reminders. His breathing changed to irregular gasps, as he desperately struggled to intake the air he felt he couldn't gain. It felt as if the walls were closing in on him, and soon, he was back. Back there. Back in that awful, terrible place. By now, his classmates were trying to calm him down, but Kirishima was too far gone. He was stuck in his head, the horrible, dark, terrifying memories playing in his brain. The screams, the pain, the fear, and all the hope, once again dripping down the drain, falling into nothingness. He curled into a ball and gripped his head gasping for air, begging for it to stop. Shigaraki had backed off, and turned to Twice.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" He questioned, and Kirishima continued to gasp, his body convulsing as fear continued to plague his mind.

"You really think you can still be a hero? Look at how weak you are. Stuck here, unable to do anything to save your friends."

"Stop." Kirishima whimpered, begging the voices to stop.

"Look at you! You couldn't even help Midoriya when he was right in front of you!"


"What a disappointment. You couldn't help Sato! I bet he is so grateful for that lovely death! Must have been sweet!"

Kirishima curled into a tighter ball, and to his classmates somewhat relieved, was now protecting his head from his fear-controlled movements.

The air wouldn't come. It wasn't enough. He couldn't breathe, the air wasn't there, he couldn't BREATHE. A sorrowful cry escaped his lips as he continued to gasp for the air he couldn't get.

"Still playing hero are we? You don't have a choice."

AFO's voice slithered into his head, taunting him.

Kirishima yelped, sitting up suddenly and pushing himself into the wall, folding his hands over his head, protecting himself from the imaginary blow he expected to come. Momo, driven by fear for her friend's safety, had finally been able to free herself from the copy holding her, and rushed to Kirishima, softly speaking to him, trying not to scare him.

She had quickly identified that Kirishima was exhibiting signs of a panic attack. Shigaraki being the cause of it. She kept mumbling instructions, telling him to take deep breaths. After about the longest minute she felt she had ever experienced, Kirishima's breathing returned somewhat to normal.

The exhausted teen leaned on Momo's shoulder, shuddering as he took in shaky breaths, his eyes tightly shut. Momo wrapped her arms around him, giving him a gentle, yet firm squeeze.

⚠️Trigger warning end⚠️

After a few more moments of silence, Hakugure was finally able to break free of the copy holding her. She turned around, and kicked it.

"Shigaraki, let's go," Kurogiri announced.

The villains left through the warp gate, and it was over. It was over faster than the camp attack, but instead of no casualties, one person died. One person would never come back to class 1-A.

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