Chapter 52

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Meeting with HM Associates was going on smoothly. Sameer's eyes were on one person who was least interested in meeting.  Sameer understood he is spy.

He took his phone and texted Adya to come to his cabin but no one noticed this except Harsh.

In a minute, Adya barged in his cabin as per plan. Everyone's attention turned towards her. "Adu you here babe?" asked Sameer acting shock. "Umm... Yeah! I came here to meet you. I was missing you" replied Adya with fake smile. "Miss you my foot" though Adya in mind. "Oh my baby!" acted Sameer surprised. He walked towards her and hug her. From the corner of his eye Sameer noticed spy clicking pictures of him and Adya. He smirked internally.

"You wait for few minutes. Let me wind up this meeting" said Sameer still hugging. "Hmm... Okay! I am waiting in Harsh's cabin then" said Adya breaking the hug. "Yeah!" replied Sameer. Adya walked out of his cabin.

"Your girlfriend?" asked his client. "No! My wife" replied Sameer. They continued their meeting. After meeting ended everyone left except Sameer and Harsh. "Kitni gatiya acting karta hain tu" taunted Harsh. "I agree" joined Adya entering in room. "Oh my baby!" Mimicked Adya with disgust look. "Baby my foot" snapped Adya. "Woho!!-" Sameer got quiet in mid as Someone knocked the door. Everyone's attention turned towards door. They saw Samael standing there. "Fuck" wisper Adya in irritation. "What the hell you are doing here?" asked Sameer in little high voice.

"Such a heart warming welcome I see" joked Samael but sarcasm was dripping from his words. "Anyways, I came here to give this to you. Aamir uncle gave this for you" said Samael forwarding a box. "Thanks" said Sameer as he took the box. "I never knew Sameer is gonna allow Adya to enter in office. Jaha tak mujhe yaad hain Sanya ko to allow nahin tha?" asked Samael with smirk. "That's because ye office Sameer ka hain. Sanya ka nahin. And yes jo Sameer ka vo mera" replied Adya with confidence. "Correct babes" said Sameer back hugging her. Adya gave him a glare but he ignored her. "I think you did your work of giving me my parcel. Now you can leave" said Sameer in clear words. Without speaking a single thing Samael left.

"Uff!! Hato vo gaya" said Adya trying to free herself from Sameer's grip. "Stay still" ordered Sameer. She glared him but ignoring her glared he tightened his grip around her. "Sameer I forgot to inform you. Tomorrow there is a party at Uncle's farmhouse. He want you and Sanya to come there with your partners but as Sanya left for Iran today. So you and Adya come there" said Samael as he came back to his cabin. Adya and Harsh got shock. "Sure. If uncle wants this then me and beautiful wife will be there" replied Sameer with tight smile.

With this Samael finally left. Sameer left Adya. She quickly distance herself from Sameer. Situation was little bit awkward. "I got video from our spy. Sanya and Abeer's talk with Samael on airport. Sameer nodded. Harsh started video.

"Hi bro! What's up? We are meeting after a long time." as Samael said he came near Abeer and Sanya. "Hii!!" replied Abeer. "So? Where this young couple is going? Honeymoon?" Samael asked with chuckled. "No! Going for business trip" informed Abeer. "Oh! Where?" asked Samael acting surprise. "Iran. Abeer let's go. We are getting late" said Sanya with irritation. "Oh! Where is Sameer and Adya? They are also newly married couple" asked Samael. "Let them enjoy the way they want. Leave it. We should leave now. Anyways we don't care what they are doing. Neither we are interested" said Abeer acting hurt.

"I already told you. Sameer isn't good for Adya at all but-" Abeer cuts him in mid. "I so know about it but she was never concerned about my decision. So leave it. Let her live the way she wants. Same goes with us" said Abeer. "Leave all this. Let's go" said Sanya and drag Abeer from there.

Abeer and Sanya left from there and acted like they are hurt. Samael left from there.

Video ended. "Perfect! Now we need to sort this out soon" said Sameer. "Hmm!! Everything will go according to our plan" said Harsh. "Adya you should go home now. Office isn't safe for you for long time" said Sameer. Adya nodded and left.

Rest of the day went smoothly.


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