Chapter 56

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With Sameer. He went in his room trembling and trying to balance himself. He somehow reached his room and fell on bed. In no time, he slept.

Next morning. Sameer's phone rang not once but few times. Finally, he woke up. His head was throbbing in pain like hell. He sat on bed and pulled his hair, trying to get rid of his pain but he failed.

His phone rang again. He took his phone to see more than 50 missed calls from his manager, harsh and shareholders. "What happened?" asked Sameer as he received Harsh's call. "Sameer where are you? Bro, here company is about to bankrupt. Our main project. Mr. Arora pulled it back. All hidden strategies are leaked" informed Harsh in panick. "What the fuck?" shocked Sameer. "Come to office now. Since 3hrs we trying to call you" ordered Harsh. "Yeah! Coming" said Sameer. He hang up the call and got ready then left for office.

Sameer reached his office. He directly went to his cabin to see Harsh is already waiting for him. "What happened? Who leaked our strategies? And main thing how person got to know about it?" panicked Sameer. "We don't know anything. You look here. Guard collected these letters from government. Three letters are there for following guidelines" said Harsh and forwarded a few letters to him.

Sameer sat on his chair and started reading but he wasn't able to focus as his head was paining alot. Harsh noticed this and even Sameer's pale face. "What happened to you?" asked Harsh with concern. "I don't know nor I am able to remember anything from last night party. My head is paining alot." replied Sameer in irritating tone. "Have coffee then go through these files. Coffee may help you with headache." suggested Harsh. Sameer nodded. "You had breakfast or coffee?" asked Harsh. "No yaar" said Sameer. Harsh nodded. He quickly made coffee for Sameer. After having coffee. Sameer felt a bit relief. He started reading letters.

After sometime. Sameer read those letters. "Harsh see, According to this clause, we never raised undersubscribtion funds. So, we can easily prove this. In this letter......." explained Sameer about letters. "And what about strategies now?" sighed Harsh. "Stretegies?? We can ask government for help as our personal information in leaked. And also about Stretegies... I saw this letter as per this. I guess that was rumour or fake maybe? Like who is gonna share internal planning which is planned by two of us only and other than us Manager knows about it. So, yeah? We can take action for spreading rumors" explained Sameer.

"Wait! Is it done by Samael? Like he want to distract me and attack on Adya? He knows Abeer and Sanya aren't here. So, Maybe?" spilled Sameer whatever strike in his mind. Harsh's eyes wide open. "There are chances" Harsh frowned. Sameer took his phone and called Adya. "Ye pagal so rahi hogi" groaned Sameer. "Guard ko order kar don't let her step out. Adya ko baad me samajha dena. For now, we need to leave and sort this mess" suggested Harsh. Sameer did as he said. Both left.

With Adya, She woke up late than her usual time. Her body was paining and shivering alot. She realized she was sleeping on floor. With support of door, she sat hugging herself. As memories of last night hit her mind. She started rubbing over her hickey, trying to erase it. "Adu calm down. Calm down. From now onwards you ain't talk with him or even come in front of him. Just live your life. Once matter of Samael will end. Go ahead with divorce. Okay? You are strong Adya. You can do it" Adya cheered herself.

She got up with difficulty and then got ready for day. She went down to see maid were cooking breakfast. "Good morning Aunt" greeted Adya with small smile. "Good morning Adya" replied Maid. "You coffee or shake with breakfast?" asked maid. "Coffee" replied Adya. She had breakfast then went towards exit of mansion. "Sorry ma'am. You can't go out" informed Guard. "Who the hell you are to decide this?" asked Adya while gritting her teeth. "Sir gave us order" said guard while looking down. "Fuck your sir" replied Adya sassily and tried to walk out but guard closed the door.

"Call your Sir" shouted Adya on guard. He did as she said. "Sir, Ma'am wants to go out of mansion" said guard scared of Sameer's anger. "Give her phone" ordered Sameer. Guard did as per order. "Why can't you understand a single thing? I said you aren't going anywhere means you aren't. That's it" Sameer took his frustration on her unintentionally. Adya got hurt. She handed phone back to guard and went to her room.


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