It's Ok (Fluff)

449 13 12

(Error x Nightmare)

Injury and negative self talk

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Error whimpers as he holds his arm. He had been fighting Ink and took A hard hit to the arm. Shaking, he pulls up his sleeve and sees the bone cracked and bleeding yellow magic.

His arm feels paralyzed, refusing to move and hurting when he tried. He breaths heavily, trying to clam down. Error wipes his eyes with his good arm and pulls his sleeve down. He doesn't wanna be alone, so he opens A portal to the Bad Sans castle.

As he steps through, he sees the usual chaos. Cross and Killer are speaking in an UwU voice to fuck with Dust, meanwhile Horror is gnawing on some humans arm. "Oh my god! Just shut up!!" Screeches Dust.

"Ooh is Dusty Wusty mad?" Killer said.

"Jwoin da cuwlt, Dusty!" Cross said. Error smiles, they always make him feel better.

He closes his portal and sits next to Horror. "Hewo my fwiend!" Killer said to Error.

"H3y, K1Ll5..." Error said. Killer blinks.

"Could you wepeat dat?" Killer asked. Error takes A deep breath and tries again.

"H-hey, K1ll3r..." Error said.

"Are you alright?" Cross asks, dropping the UwU voice. Error nods. "Well, your glitching A lot."

"And you smell like blood." Horror said. Error needs to think of an excuse. He doesn't want them to know, he needs to hide this. They help him to much, they are so nice to him, and all he does in return is get injured and ask for more help.

"I-I was d3stRoyinG an AU and S-som3oNe touChed m-m-me." Error lied. Killer sighs.

"Assholes... was it Ink?" He asks. Error nods. Cross picks up A blanket and wraps it around Error, knowing that always brought the glitch A little comfort. Error pulls the blanket close, still sheltering his broken arm against his chest. "You wanna just watch A movie with us?"

"Y-y3aH... suRe." Error said. Why were they so nice to him? They stopped having fun just to comfort him and he couldn't understand why.

As the movie started, Error's blistering pain faded into A more throbbing pain. With the beat of his soul, waves of pain would rush through his arm.

"That's something I never understood! Why the hell did she not just run out the damn door?!" Killer shouted. They were watching A horror movie and instead of running out of the door, the actress run up the stairs and cornered herself.

"Because movie logic." Dust said. Error bit his lip(?), trying to hold back tears. He hoped the pain would just go away, put it clearly wasn't going to.

He rests his head on the armrest and closes his eye sockets. He fell asleep quickly, to exhausted to do much of anything else. The others share concerned glances at each other and Error.

"He is most certainly not alright..." Cross said.

"Should we tell the boss?" Horror asked.

"Yeah, yes we should." Killer said.


Error wakes up to the unbearable pain from his arm. He opens his eye sockets, whimpering. He can see that it's super dark and he was alone on the couch. The only thing giving off light is some sort of greenish teal glow. 'Wait, greenish teal?' Error thinks.

He looks to his left and sees Nightmare sitting next to him, concern written all over Nightmare's face. "Show me." Nightmare said.

"H-huh...?" Error asks, still slightly dazed.

"Show me what is hurting you." Nightmare says. Error sighs, he can't hide anything from Nightmare.

He sits up and fiddles with his sleeve for A second before carefully pulling it down. He hisses in pain as buzzing pain rushes through his arm. Nightmare carefully grabs Error's arm, twisting it just A little to inspect the damage.

"How long has it been like this?" Nightmare asks. Error doesn't respond. Nightmare turns his glowing eyelight up to him, concern turning into A stern yet motherly glare. "Error."

"A-A day..." Error said. Nightmare sighs and carefully rests his hand on the broken bones and begins healing them. "O-ow..."

"Error, you can't do things like that. What if one day you get seriously injured and don't tell us until it's too late?" Nightmare asked.

"I-I..." Error feels tears gather. "I didn't want to bother you... you're all too nice to me and I don't deserve it... I don't give you all anything in return and you always help me anyways... a-and...."

"Don't give anything in return? What are you talking about?" Nightmare asked. He rubs Error's arm. "You're part of the family! Just being around you makes everyone happier, and you make my soul pound from just being near me."

Error blushes. "Darling, please stop thinking like that. I want you to be safe and happy, just how you make all of us feel."

"I-I will try..." Error said, pulling his arm away from Nightmare once it was healed. Nightmare smiles. He pats Error's head.

"That's all I ask. Now, you need rest." Nightmare said. Error nods. Nightmare stands up. "How is your phobia currently?"

"N-Not that bad." Error said. Nightmare nods and holds out his hand for Error to take.

"I will help you fall asleep and protect you from nightmares, alright?" Nightmare said. Error nods and takes Nightmare's hand. The king leads the glitch through the halls to Error's room.

When they arrive, Error crawls into his bed. He doesn't usually use his bed, but tonight is A special case. Nightmare sits next to him and waits patiently for Error to get settled down. Once Error does, he looks up at the king with an innocent look that melts Nightmare's nonexistent heart.

He teleports A book into his hands and Error strains his eyes to see in the dim light. "Grim's Fairytales again?" Error said while smiling.

"You know I am A sucker for the dark stories." Nightmare said. Error chuckles A bit. Nightmare's tentacle strokes Error's skull as Nightmare opens the book to A marked page. "Next to A great forest there lived a poor woodcutter with his wife and two children. The boy's name was Hansel and the girl's name was Gretel."

Error relaxes as he listens to the morbid tale, slowly falling asleep. When Nightmare finishes the story, he looks over at his sleeping crush. He smiles and kisses the skeleton on the forehead, ensuring him good dreams. One day Nightmare will confess to Error, but for now he is content to just stand by his side as his friend.

(1100 words.)

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