Kinky~ (Lemon)

845 12 9

(Cross x Bad Sanses)

Requested by FlameTheWolf101

Kink Warning:
Don't read if you don't like REALLY kinky stuff. 😏

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Horror, Cross, and Error made plans in the corner of the room. Devious plans to get them punished by their lovers.~

Error sat in Nightmare's lap while he was trying to work. Error makes it increasingly difficult by asking TONS of questions he already knows the answer too and occasionally wriggling around in Nightmare's lap to get him hot and bothered.

"Daddy, why aren't you pay attention to me?" Error whined.

"I am busy right now, like I said ten times. Just wait, ok darling?" He said. Error groaned and kept bouncing and grinding on his lap. After a couple minutes, Nightmare finished his paperwork. "Ok, done. You wanted attention~?"

"Hmm... nah. Not in the mood anymore. See ya, Nighty!" He gets up and leaves the room, leaving a very sexually frustrated and blue balled Nightmare alone in his office.


Killer was watching a YouTube video on his bed in his room. He was watching Markiplier play three scary games. He loved his friendship with Lixian on screen. It was super funny!

As he was sitting there, Horror came into his room. Horror cuddled into Killer's chest, making Killer look up in concern. "You ok, Horror?" Killer asks, wrapping and arm around Horror.

Horror nodded, head still in Killer's chest. Killer pulled him closer and hugged him, turning off his phone. He thought it was a mental health crisis rather than Horror's plan to get punished.

After a minute or two of cuddling, Horror moved up to Killer's neck. He kissed and bit it, surprising Killer. "What are you doing, baby?"

"Just having some fun.~" Horror said. Horror rubbed Killer's pelvic bone through his pants.

"H-Horror, shouldn't we wait for the others? I know Nightmare was planning something today for Error—" He started. Horror ran a finger against Killer's exposed soul, making Killer unbelievably turned on.

"Your right. Well, see ya then." Horror said, getting up and leaving. Killer was blue balled. So he messaged (he was to lazy to move) Nightmare about it.

Cross walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a Monster Energy Drink because he liked the irony.

Dust was sitting at the kitchen table on his phone. "Shouldn't you drink water? You have only had soda and energy drinks for a week."

"Uh, why? I am a skeleton." Cross said, rolling his eyelights. Dust sat up straighter.

"Because it's better for your magical out flow. Our souls need things like food and water to be healthy even if our bodies need nothing to be healthy." Dust explained for the millionth time.

"Ok, nerd." Cross opened the energy drink and sipped it. "There is literally nothing you can say that will get me to drink water."

"Nerd?" Dust said, restraining his anger. "What if I punished you, hmm? Make you regret not listening to me?"

"Yeaaahh. Suuuuure. You don't have the balls, nerd." Cross said. Dust stood up and walked over to Cross, making Cross set down his precious energy drink. Dust grabbed his throat and pinned him against the wall.

"Wanna test that theory, Crossy~?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!" Cross said.

"We can get Horror and Error in too.~" Dust said.

"That's kinda been our plan." Cross said. Cross didn't know, he was about to regret that.~


"Nooooooo!" Horror cried. Him, Cross, and Error were locked in a room and forced to write lines.

"Yeeeeeees." Said Dust. "You three wanted to be brats, so this is fair."

"This isn't the kinky fun we wanted!" Cried Error.

"I am NOT doing this!" Said Cross.

"Well, none of you are leaving until you all are done." Said Nightmare.

"You had better write those lines! I am not getting stuck in here with your dumbass!" Said Error. Horror was already working on his.

After 30 minutes of Error and Horror doing there work and Cross complaining, Error was about to tackle him.

"If you don't start writing right now, bitch baby!" Error threatened.

"You'll what?!" Cross demanded.

"Imma take all the chocolate and keep it in my Anti-Void!" Error shouted back.

"You wouldn't dare!" Cross said, outraged.

"Try me, bitch! I will! Get to writing!" He shouted.

Cross scoffed and started writing. When he was done he handed it to Nightmare. "See? It wasn't so bad. I don't know why you were complaining." Cross said. Error looked ready to maul Cross.

"Okay, okay. Enough fighting." Nightmare said, picking them up with his tentacles. "Let's go to my room and cuddle, okay?"

"Fine..." grumbled Error and Cross. Nightmare picked up Horror, who snuggled into Nightmare's tentacle, and carried the three subs to his room.

Dust and Killer followed. Killer grabbed Horror and cuddled him like he was a teddy bear, Dust cuddled Error who glitched slightly before calming down, and Nightmare held Cross in his tentacles.

All of them got comfortable and cuddled all night long. The subs didn't get railed like they hoped for, but that could wait for another time for now they just slept contentedly.


Hah ha! Get false lemoned!
Don't blame me! Blame FlameTheWolf101! Sorry, Flame. Kinda threw you under the bus 😅

(876 words.)

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