The Pink Vial pt.2

382 8 2

(Error × Bad Guys)


Angst Scale
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Horror was the last one awake the next day. He walked down stairs and smiled at the scene.

Error had the biggest smile on his face as he ate a chocolate bar. Cross was sitting next to him, giving him chocolate when he would run out.

Killer and Dust were chatting as coffee was being brewed. Nightmare was sitting in the armchair reading.

Horror sat down on the couch and started chatting with Error and Cross. When Killer and Dust walked into the living room with there coffee, Nightmare marked his page and closed his book.

"Ok. Who and how many of you got fucked last night?" He said. Error and Horror blushed at his bluntness but raised there hands along with Killer and Dust. "Did you make SURE you aren't pregnant?"

"I only used my male ecto so I am good." Said Killer. Horror and Dust nodded in agreement. Then all attention went to Error. Error panicked a little realizing he didn't check.

He quickly pulls up his shirt and sighs in relief. All that was there was his spine, ribs, and top of his hip bones. No ecto body. "I am good too." Error said, relief clear in his voice.

"Good. Now, do we wanna discuss what we are now, or after breakfast?" Nightmare said.

"I'd say right now." Dust said.

"I agree. If we wait till after breakfast it'll make breakfast really awkward." Said Cross. The others agreed.

"Well..." Error said after a while of awkward silence. "For the longest time I tried to convince myself that I saw you all as just friends. But... Now I can't lie to myself anymore. I love all you stupid heads."

Horror grabbed Error's arms and started chewing on it. It was something he did when he was nervous. But also it was a friendly hello or a way to signal he was hungry. Most the time, he didn't even realize he was doing it unless someone pointed it out. But this time he chewed anxiously on Error's arm as he awaited the others responses.

"I feel the same." Killer said. "I thought I was weird for not being able to choose which one of you I liked but... If you feel the same it makes me feel better."

"Same." Cross said. "So... That makes us boyfriends?" Error and Killer nodded. Dust agreed to.

"Well someone needs to take care of you idiots." Said Nightmare, trying to keep his 'King of Negative Emotions' attitude. Then all attention turned to Horror.

"I..." Horror stopped chewing on Error's arm. Instead he pulled it close to him and hugged it. "Error, you saved me and my brother from starvation. And you let me chew on your arm without shoving me off. Killer, that one time in battle someone hit me in the hole in my skull and I was in so much pain I couldn't see, you brought me pain killers and helped me until my sight recovered. Cross you went human hunting with me that one time and didn't make me feel like a murderer because of it. Dust, you always cheer me up when I feel sad. And Nightmare, you give me a purpose, a reason to keep fighting. You could treat me like garbage but you don't. TL;DR, I love you all. Your were there for me when no one else was. And I'll be glad to be your boyfriend."

Everyone was struggling to hold back tears. Error hugged the eternally hungry skele and the others joined in. Nightmare was last, he wrapped his tentacles around all of them, giving them all a tight squeeze.

"Ok now enough of that emotional soppy shit." Nightmare said, some of his goop was melting away. Nightmare turned around to keep his gang from seeing it. "I'll make breakfast then we can help Error destroy some shit. How does that sound?"

All the others made noises of agreement. Nightmare went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Error kept his arms around Horror.

While food was being made they all chatted about this and that.

"Sooo, Glitchy. How was your first time?" Killer said, mainly joking to make Error uncomfortable. 'Well.' Error thought. 'Two can play at that game.'

"I learned a lot about all of you. Killer likes gentle sex and praising his partner, Cross likes rough sex and degrading his partner, Horror likes it gentle and I think he likes over stimulation. Nightmare likes fucking the HELL out of his partner and doesn't like pain but he'll do whatever it takes to make his partners happy. And Dust is the only one I didn't get fucked by last night but from what I gathered and heard, he is a huge pain slut."

Everyone was blushing brightly. Error got it right. Completely. "Well...." Killer tried to find something to say back in terms of Error's kinks but he realized all his reactions last night may have been influenced or changed by that damned vial.

"I just realized we don't know any of your kinks..." Cross said.

"Well there is plenty of time to figure that out later. Wink wink." Horror said. Being unable to close one eye, he had to say the words 'wink wink' even though it makes him sound cringe.

"Yeah. And maybe I'll even get a turn next time!" Dust said.

"If you don't pass out again." Said Error mischievously.


"But not right now." Said Error, ignoring Dust's obvious offense to his snide comment. "I am still tired from last night and I would prefer NOT to get pregnant the first day of us all dating. Thanks."

Before anymore comments could be made, Night walked through the door. "Food, dip shits!" He called.

Horror ran into the kitchen, the others following slower. Today was gonna be a good day. Error could tell. He was glad that that stupid squid dropped his vial. If he hadn't he'd be sitting in the Anti-Void right now. Alone.

But now, he wasn't. Error had believed that he was doomed to never have a happy end. He and Ink were made to be opposites after all. But now he was proven wrong.

And he was happy.

(1063 words.)

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