Cute (Smut)

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(Error x Nightmare)

Kink Warning:
Overstimulation, and daddy kink

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Error sat on the couch in the bad Sans's mansion. He was talking with Lust a couple hours ago and he heard about something called "pick-up lines" and wanted to try them out.

He sat on the couch just watching the chaos unfold, just waiting for Nightmare to come out of his cave (room) and break it up. Cross and Killer were in a literal fight. Knives where flying everywhere.

Horror and Dust were hiding behind the coffee table. They were making bets on who would win.

And then, an angry goopy octopus walked into the room. "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Well," said Error. "Killer and Cross are fighting over something, and Horror and Dust are making bets on who will win."

Nightmare sighs and walks straight up to Killer and Cross and picks them up with his tentacles. "No fighting!" He said.

"But daaaad!" Whined Cross.

"No buts!" Nightmare said, shaking Cross like a maraca.

Killer and Cross grumbled an apology to each other and Nightmare let them go.

'Now is my time to shine!' Error thought. Then Error started getting nervous. 'Wait what if I do it wrong?'

Nightmare turns and looks at Error. "You ok? Are you here today for a reason?"

"Uhh yeah. Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you got a sweet ass." Error said nervously. Nightmare looked shocked then laughed.

"Oh my god your adorable!" Nightmare said. He pat the glitch on the head. "But save the flirting for me, okay~?"

Error nodded. Then Dust groaned.

"Ugh get a room love birds." Dust said.

"Maybe we will.~" Said Nightmare, picking up Error. Error blushed profusely.

"Wait what?" Said Dust.

"So Error, shall we continue this conversation up stairs? In my room~?" Nightmare said, blushing cyan. Error was blushing ten times harder though. Error nodded sheepishly and then Nightmare set off for his room.

"Have fun!" Shouted Horror.

"Don't break the bed!" Killer called after them.

"Error isn't gonna be able to walk tomorrow..." Said Dust.

The glitch was unbelievably flustered. Him and Nightmare had done it before but he wasn't sure what it had meant to Nightmare. He didn't ask either.

Error was stirred from his thoughts by being dropped on Nightmare's king sized bed. Nightmare locked the door and then sat by the flustered glitch.

Nightmare leaned over and kissed him and Error kissed back. Nightmare climbed on top of Error and pushed him down to the bed and smirked.

Error looked up at Nightmare. It was always very dark in Nightmare's room. The only lights currently in the room was Nightmare's glowing cyan eye and Error's multicolored eyelights.

Nightmare moved down and bit Error's neck, making the smaller one moan quietly. Nightmare and Error started undressing each other, continuing with there heated make out session in between every garment of clothes.

Then when they were fully undressed, Nightmare sat up and looked down at Error. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are~?" Nightmare says flirtatiously.

Error squeaked and covered his face. "Stop! Your gonna be the death of me!" He said, flustered.

Nightmare chuckled. He rubbed Error's ribs, feeling the old scars from years of fighting. Error summoned his female ecto body. It was small and lean from years of fighting, but Nightmare didn't care. He loved Error no matter what body type he had.

Nightmare teased Error's entrance with a tentacle. Error moaned and squirmed. "Stop being a tease~!" He said.

"But your just so damn cute like this.~" Nightmare said. He noticed Error's aura become more aroused. 'Oh~ A praising kink?' Nightmare thought.

Then Nightmare summoned his ecto dick and lined it up at Error's entrance. Nightmare looked up for confrontation and thrusted in after getting a nod from the smaller. Error gasped.

Nightmare immediately started at a fast pace, feeling his entrance get slicker as he did. Error wrapped his arms around Nightmare's neck, his eyelights turning into hearts. "Fuck~!! Daddy please~!"

"What do you want, baby boy~?" Nightmare said.

"H-harder, please~!" Nightmare smirked and began to thrust so hard the bed started creaking like it might break.

Error was in pure ecstasy. Nightmare moved one of his tentacles down to Error's clit and rubbed it, another one went to Error's ass and thrusted in. It didn't hurt, but it was still a lot for Error to take in. He felt his eyelights roll back and sticks out his tongues.

"Gah~! Da-Daddy, I am close~!!" Error twitched as he came, Nightmare came inside soon after.

"What an attractive face~" Nightmare said.

"N-Nighty... I... Wanna ask... What am I to you?" Error looked up at Nightmare. Nightmare went quiet, looking for a good way to word what he wanted to say.

"Error. That's up to you. I love you, but what we are depends on your answer. Will you be my boyfriend?" Nightmare asked, blushing.

"Yes!" Error said. He was over joyed. Error shifted his hips, groaning at the feeling, Nightmare still hadn't pulled out.

The goopy one smiled. Then he started thrusting again. Error cried out in pleasure, he wasn't expecting that. Error covered his face helplessly as he drowned in pleasure.

Nightmare grabbed Error's wrists firmly and held Error's hands down by Error's head. Tears of pleasure formed in Error's eyes when the tentacle in his ass started thrusting again.

"Daddy I am gonna cum again~!" Error practically screamed.

"Just a little longer.~ Come on and hold it in like a good boy.~" Nightmare whispered in Error's ear(?) making Error shiver. Nightmare kissed Error and shoved his tongue in his mouth.

Error's moans became muffled as Nightmare thrusted roughly around 20 more times then hot cum filled Error's already full pussy. Error came and closed his eyes, going limp. Nightmare rode out his orgasm then pulled out, watching cum pour out of Error's hole.

Then Nightmare laid down next to Error and pulled him close. "I love you..." Error mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too. Now get some sleep." Nightmare said.


Dust, Killer, Horror, and Cross sat on the couch. They were all extremely uncomfortable listening to the people the considered there second parents screwing.

"You think Error is gonna get knocked up?" Horror said.

"Wouldn't they have used protection?" Cross asked.

"I don't think so. I think in a couple months, there's gonna be a new member of the family." Dust said.

"Nah. No way! They would have used SOME kind of protection, right?" Said Horror.

"Guys, please stop. I am already weirded out by hearing Error scream 'daddy' I don't need yall making in worse." Said Killer, flustered.

(1127 words)

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