Stress and Love (Angst and Smut)

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Nightmare x Bad Sanses

The beginning is depressing, mentions of injuries

Kink Warning:
Overstimulation, group sex, and lots of kinky shit

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Nightmare and his gang had been in a relationship for years. Fighting together, helping each other in so many ways, and also less wholesome things. That didn't mean all was smooth sailing 24/7. They would have arguments and fights. Sometimes the fights were so bad that Nightmare had to step in.

Very early into the relationship, Nightmare took on most of the responsibilities. He was, as his gang put it, 'The hot, acts of service, daddy as fuck kind of dom', whatever the hell that meant.

He mainly took care of these lovable idiots because who else would? But now that was kinda taking a toll on him. The last fight between Error and Ink had left Error horribly injured. He insisted he was fine and just "happened some times", which pissed Nightmare off to no end but at Error's request he decided to let it go, but not before bandaging and taking care of him. Also, everyone in his gang had been having mental breakdowns more frequently.

Nightmare could feel all of it, even things they didn't say. Horror thinks he is ugly for something the had no say in, this results in him locking himself in his room sometimes. Dust had freak outs that wildly fluctuate between realizing his brother has been dead for years to him desperately convincing himself he was still there as a ghost. Killer goes through paranoia that he is also going to hurt us too, followed by extreme guilt that he hides behind his smile. Cross is extremely homesick and depressed over the loss of his family and friends. Error was sometimes emotionally oblivious and frequently had difficulty picking up on social cues, he also still thought of Ink as a friend despite the fact that Ink can take the fight WAY to far and hurt Error really badly.

It was driving Nightmare insane. He tried to help them all as much as he could. He was angry, but not at his gang. He would never blame them for there mental issues, he blamed the world around them for it. He also hated himself that he couldn't do enough to help them.

Currently, Nightmare was on the couch with Dust and Horror tangled in his tentacles. Horror was half asleep and Dust was out cold. Nightmare leaned over and kissed Horror on the forehead then did the same with Dust. Horror's aura radiated positivity as he drifted off to sleep. Nightmare sat there for a while more before getting up.

He tucked Horror and Dust into their bed and covered them with the blankets. He gently pet Horror's skull. "How could anyone as beautiful as you think your ugly?" Nightmare thought aloud.

Nightmare sighed and went to the kitchen.

(Nuggetmare's kitchen. ^)

As he entered the semi-creepy kitchen he sighed once more. Error was standing in the kitchen, in front of the China hutch. "Error, your supposed to be sleeping." Nightmare said.

"Pfft. I am fine." He said. Pain radiates off him in waves and Error is shaking trying to hold himself up right. Even without his magic, it probably would have been clear to Nightmare that he was lying.

"Error." Nightmare said sternly. "You need to stop moving around so much or else you aren't gonna heal properly. Healing magic can only do so much with your glitched out stats."

Nightmare gently picks up Error, very careful to not hurt him. Error immediately glitches out. "HeY! PUt m3 d0wN!" He shouts.

"Calm down, darling. You do know I would never purposely hurt you, right?" He says, using one of his free tentacles to pet Error's skull in an effort to calm him down. Error's glitching slowly calms and he cautiously rests his head on Nightmare's shoulder and he nods.

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