Kinky Shit (Smut)

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(Bad guys × Cross)

This was requested by FlameTheWolf101

Hope you enjoy! :3

Group sex, soft and rough, name calling, spanking, eating out, fingering, overstimulation, bondage, oh my!

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

About a week ago, Cross ramped up his teasing. Usually, he would just focus on one person per day and tease the hell out of them. But now he will do it to ALL the Bad Sanses.

He sat on Nightmare's lap while watching a movie, being sure to shift around frequently and sometimes grinding against Nightmare's pelvis. Then, before anything can happen he walks off to his room. Leaving Nightmare to deal with his issue himself.

Flirting, kisses pressed to there necks when they weren't looking, calling the others by there bedroom pet names, ect. And the others were sick of it. They decided they were gonna get even with Cross.

Nightmare heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said, already knowing who was there.

Cross walked in and paused. He saw all his boyfriends sitting there, waiting for him. "Uhhh, hi. Umm why did you call me here, Nighty?"

He gasped as he felt a tentacle around his waist. He was dragged forwards and to his boyfriends. "Don't think we haven't noticed your teasing, Crossy.~" Said Nightmare.

"Getting us all hot and bothered then just leaving." Dust said, shaking his head. "I think he deserves a punishment.~"

"Agreed." Says Error. Crosses face is bright purple. He knew eventually someone would fuck him for his teasing, but all his boyfriends?

He felt them all pulling off his clothes, biting his neck and collar bone or kissing him. He felt almost overwhelmed, but his partners knew what they were doing.

Nightmare was marking Cross's neck and his hand was stroking one of Cross's ribs. The others were trying to get Cross to summon and ecto body for them. Rubbing his spine, shoulders, pelvis. And eventually it worked and Cross summoned his female body, reasoning that it would be easier for his lovers.

"W-wait!" Cross said. The others pulled back quickly. Panting, Cross continues. "I am fine with this, but if we are really doing this we need a safe word."

"Hmmm. How about we use the color system? Green means to keep going, yellow means slow down or pause, and red is a complete stop." The others agree. "Now. Where were we~?"

Cross whined as his boyfriends went back to playing with his body. His female body was bigger then Error's but not as big in the chest as Killer's. His boobs were C cups and his body was more lean from his training in his AU.

Killer made it his personal missing to play with Cross's breast as much as possible. Playing with them, bouncing them, even licking and biting them. Error waisted no time getting down on his knees and teasing Cross's entrance with his tongue.

Horror and Dust were in there own heated make out session, slightly apart from the group. Nightmare was figuring out the best position for Cross to be comfortable but his boyfriends to still have fun with him. Thinking up a way, he picked up Cross with his tentacles. "Killer. Sit down."

Killer did as he was told, male ecto summoned and dick hard. Nightmare set Cross on his lap. Killer wrapped his arm around Cross's chest, one hand playing with his boob and the other hand on his neck. "Hey, Sexy. Come here often?" Killer joked.

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