The Fight (Smut)

843 11 0

(Error x Killer x Nightmare)

Requested by OreoCookie1129

Fighting, slut shaming(?), group sex

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

"You don't even know what the hell your talking about!" Screams Error. Nightmare walks down the stairs and into the living room. He heard them arguing from upstairs and came to stop it before it became too bloody.

"No, you don't know what your talking about! You don't know anything do you, you forgetful piece of shit?! It honestly surprises me that the boss even wastes his time on an idiotic, waste like y-" Killer screams but is cut off.

"Both of you idiots shut up!" Nightmare shouts, both of them look at him. "Killer, to your room and cool off. Error, to your Anti-Void and calm the hell down!"

The two of them glare at each other before leaving. Nightmare sighs. "What the hell were they arguing over?" Nightmare asked to no one.

"I wonder." Dust said sarcastically. Nightmare looks over and sees he is sipping coffee while standing in the door frame.

"You say that like you know something. Care to share?" Nightmare said. Dust sips his coffee.

"I am assuming you didn't hear the start of the fight, right?" Dust said.

"No? What was it?" Nightmare asked. Dust just sips more coffee and leaves the room. "Greeeeaaat... I will meet with them tomorrow."


When tomorrow rolls around, Nightmare sits the two of them on the couch. "Ok. Are you gonna tell me what that fight was about?"

"Um... why do you even care? Fights are common here." Error said.

"Not THAT kind of fight! The last fight in the castle was Horror yelling at Cross for being A 'cotton-headed ninny muggins'. YOUR fight was A friendship ruining insult fest. So start talking." Nightmare said.

Killer and Error looked at each other. Neither wanted to be the one to tell Nightmare what they were truly upset about. Or more so, WHO they were fighting over. It was quiet for A while.

"I am serious. The strength of our team is COMPLETELY ruined if you two don't fix whatever is going on!" Nightmare sighs. "You get 10 seconds to talk or else."

"Wait! Ok, ok." Killer says. "We... were fighting over A monster we like."

Nightmare pauses. Killer mentioned him in his fight with Error, Dust's sarcastic comment. "Do you two like me?"

Just from their auras, Nightmare knew he was right. He blushed A bright teal. "D-Don't worry, Boss. We'll sort this out ourselves." Said Error, blushing brightly as he drags Killer out of the room.

Nightmare was left there alone, thinking over what he just learned. He never really thought about love, not after what happened in his Au. But now that he was thinking about it...

Error stops Killer in the hallway. "Look, Killer. I don't wanna lose Nightmare... I love him more then words could ever say. But part of that love means that I have to be ok with his choices. So if he truly does love you then... I won't interfere."

Now Killer was swamped with guilt. Error looked so dejected yet resolute. Killer and Error had said some really harsh things to each other, but he knew Error hadn't meant the things he said. On Error's part? He must believe everything he said.

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