Obsessive Love Disorder (Forced Lemon)

701 7 22

(Nightmare x Error)

Requested by Rjuwjdndhw

Rape, abuse, blood, suicide, A completely mind broken Error

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

  "You wanted to see me, Nightmare?" Error asked. He hears a giggle and tentacles wrap around his legs. They yank Error forwards which takes him off his feet. "Wha-?! Nightmare!?"

  "Hush, Love." Nightmare says, squatting down in front of Error. He slips his hand in Error's pants and starts rubbing Error's pelvis.

  "Wait- wait please!!" Error cries, twisting his head away and kicking his legs. He tries his best to struggle away, but Nightmare just holds him there. Nightmare pokes Error's pelvic bone roughly, spending jolts of pleasure through Error. Despite holding back, Error is forced to summon his female ecto. "NigHtMAR3!! I-1 cAN'7!"

  "Oh, I think you can~!" Nightmare says, snapping a metal brace around Error's wrist. "That's a magic canceling brace.~ My boys are out, so scream as loud as you want, Darling.~"

  "Nightmare, please-please- I-I am sorry! I dunno what I did but I can make it up to you, I swear!!" Error screams. His eye sockets fill with tears and they begin racing down his cheeks. Nightmare gives a little laugh and leans over Error, licking his tears off his face.

  "No crocodile tears, ok? Just enjoy it like the whore you are.~" Nightmare purrs, undressing Error. Error kicks and struggles the whole way, panic pumping through his nonexistent veins. His head was spinning and he felt sick.

  With a click, the lights turned off. The curtains were black and let in none of the moonlight that shined bright and welcoming outside and the hallway was dark too which left no light in the room. All Error could see was Nightmare's glowing eye as he picked up the glitch and threw him on the bed. Error looked around, left then right, he was completely disoriented and felt lost.

  "Hehe... having difficulties, love~? Don't worry, Nighty is here to help you.~<3" Nightmare says. Error feels something at his entrance that slams in roughly. Error cries out in pain.

  Error can't see anything, disoriented, scared, panicking. This was Nightmare's strategy to keep Error from running. He couldn't run if he couldn't see and didn't know up from down. "We won't stop until you give in. No matter how long it takes.~"

  He feels Nightmare pull out and slam roughly back in. Error struggles away once more, only to feel tentacles wrap around him and hold him still. It feels like being fucked by darkness itself. Nightmare's aura fills Error's senses. The aura that used to make him feel safe and like he belongs somewhere was now raping him.

  A loud sob comes from Error. He screams and cries as he tries to move at all. His whole body feels like it's been submerged in darkness. He can feel Nightmare's goops leaking and clinging to him as he sobs, his pussy being wrecked by the ruthless king.

  Error looks up and sees Nightmare's eye and smile. 'He is enjoying this.' Error thinks. That image, this feeling, they are burned into Error's very soul as his pussy gets involuntarily wetter.

  He feels his pussy twitch around Nightmare's dick and he sobs harder, trying to cover his face with his hands only to find all movement is impossible. He can feel the thrusts get rougher and a piece of the darkness, hand or tentacle he can't tell, rub his clit. "That's it.~ Just give me your bodily autonomy and let the darkness have you.~"

  "W-Will that make this pain stop?" Error asked, voice broken.

  "Awww, of course.~ Come on, just tell me that your mine.~" Nightmare said, his dick slamming into Error's gspot. "Give your whole body to me.~"

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