Mine (Angsty Lime)

530 7 11

(Yandere!Dust × Blueberry)

Suggested by BaconOnTheEdge

Kidnapping, drugging, injury

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Dust had just joined the Bad Sanses and felt completely numb. The only reason he joined was the 'chance at A new life'. He didn't feel like he deserved it, but Nightmare was getting very pushy and threatened him with endless suffering if he didn't comply.

It was right after A fight with the Stars and Dust was left injured. He was lying inside of one of the buildings feeling nothing. He had heard the others calling for him and threatening to leave without him, but now he thought he was truly alone.

His wounds stung and burned holes in his already fragile mental condition. Dust curls up into A ball and closes his eyes(?). Right as he was about to drift off to sleep on the glass covered ground, he heard footsteps outside.

Dust's eyelights snap to the broken window and he sees Blue walk over to it. "Dust?" Blue says.

"Back off." Dust growled, sitting up and backing away. Blue puts his hands up in submission.

"I am not gonna hurt you, I wanna help! Those wounds look painful." Blue said. Dust doesn't say anything or stop Blue as he gets closer, but he keeps his harsh gaze on the other.

Blue steps over the windowsill and takes A couple steps closer to Dust then gets down on the glass covered floor to show he meant no harm. He holds out his hand to the injured one. "We got off on the wrong foot. I am Sans but you can call me Blue! You are?" Blue asked.

  Dust hesitates then looks off to the side. "I am also Sans, just call me Dust." Dust said.

And so, Blue drops his hand. It's quiet for A while longer before Blue gets A bit closer. Dust looks over at him and watches closely to his every move. Then Blue sits next to Dust, A couple feet away.

"Please, can I just heal you?" Blue asked.

"Why the hell do you care anyways?!" Dust snapped. Blue holds his hand out once more.

"Because everyone deserves A second chance and I genuinely want to get to know you as A monster." Blue said. And so, Dust slowly takes Blue's hand. Warm healing magic rushes over Dust as Blue shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you properly, Dust!"

Dust could feel his face heating up. Someone wanting to help him? Wanting to know who he is? Actually caring about his safety? That was new. The concept was so foreign to him and yet, he needed it. He needed more. This feeling which was causing his soul to beat harder and face heat up was addicting and intoxicated him.

"There! You're as good as new!" Blue said and pulled his hand away. Even after Blue took his hand away, Dust kept his hand floating in midair as he stared at the other with A star struck look. Eventually, Dust snaps himself out of it. "Hmm... Oh! How about we play A game!"

"What kind?" Dust asks.

"I was thinking we would play Two Truths One Lie. That will help me learn more about you and you can learn more about the magnificent Blueberry himself! Mwhehe!" Blue said. Dust smiles, he reminded Dust of Papyrus so much.

"Whatever you want Pa-Uh, Blue." Dust said.

"Ok! I will go first. I am friends with lots of people you would never guess. I don't like tacos, and I don't drink soda because it's too sugary." Blue said.

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