Possessive (Forced Lemon)

825 4 21

(Yandere!Ink × Error)

Kidnapping, rape, forced impregnation

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Ink sat in his room drawing Error. He was completely infatuated with him.

Once, his vials had run out and he been fighting Error. And for some unknown reason, Error's teasing comments made Ink FEEL.

Ever since then, he has been pretty much stalking Error, but Ink would never admit it. He watched him through one way portals, drew him constantly.

Ink's room in the doodle-sphere had hundreds of pictures of Error tacked on to the walls. He wanted, no. NEEDED to know how Error made him FEEL ANYTHING despite his vials being gone at the time.

He studied Error's daily schedule, his magic, and even his soul. One time, Error had fallen asleep in his Anti-Void and he had walked through the portal and pulled out Error's soul. It looked... Normal? It was glitchy and slightly crack with strings wrapped around it but Error was the only glitchy Sans Ink knew of so his soul being glitchy made sense.

Then, as he sat there staring at Error's sleeping form and pulsing soul, he realized he wanted to make Error his. He had to.

Over the next couple of days, Ink started putting his plan into motion.


Error was getting increasingly concerned. Ink had been acting weird. Error had a slight crush on the skeleton. He liked his clumsy, light hearted nature and seeing him made the days trapped in the Anti-Void with the voices scream at him worth it.

But about a month ago, Ink started acting strange. He would catch Ink staring at him with this weird look on his face and asking Error odd things like how and why Error crashes.

Error decided he would ask Ink when he saw him next.

Currently, he was in Outertale. He was looking at the stars. He hummed a little toon.

Then a familiar voice came from behind him. "Hey, Ruru!" Ink said.

"Oh. Hey-- wait, 'Ruru'?" Error asked.

"Just a nickname. Whatcha doing?" Ink asked.

"I see. I am just vibing." Error said, trying out this new word Blue taught him. Ink sat next to him.

Error moved a little bit away. Ink was a little to close for his liking.

"Oh! You like Outertale, then?" Ink asked.

"Yeah. So don't worry. I won't destroy it." Error said.

Ink got closer to him. "Oh I am not worried about that~." Ink said. Error didn't like his tone. And he didn't miss Ink's eyes changing to hearts.

"What iS wITh y0u?" Error said, glitching slightly and backing away. "You've b3en reaLly weirding me oUt for the b3tt3r pArt of a month n0w."

"You'll see~." Ink said. Then, he grabbed Error and hugged him close. Error tried to fight Ink of, fight off the crash that was quickly stealing away his awareness.

"ST0p! 1Nk PL-Pl3AS3!" Then Error crashed with a loud beep.


Error awoke to stinging pain running from his body like blood through veins. He opened his eyes but couldn't see much. It was dark. He could see stairs and at the top, the only light shining through the door.

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