Flirting and Charm (Smut)

801 14 18

(Cross x Dream and Cross x Killer)

Requested by ThatWeird_ErrorSans

Kink Warning:
Rough sex ig I didn't reread it because I was cringing too hard at my own writing.

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Cross and Killer have had an interesting relationship since the day they met. Cross had been intimidated by him and also felt a small amount of pity for Killer knowing what happened to him. Then after the fight in Outertale, getting kidnapped by Error, then dropped off at the Bad Sans castle, Cross really had no choice but to stay with them.

Everyone acted cold and distant and if they weren't being icy cold, they were bullying you for your weaknesses. Cross hated it there. And that's why feelings for Dream started developing. Dream had always been someone who made Cross feel safe, and ever since they met, Dream has been trying to save Cross. All Cross had to do was wait for his opportunity to run. He could find some way to save his home later. But then, something interesting happened.

"Sit down, Cross." Nightmare said. Cross did as he was told, sitting on the couch. He'd been feeling awful all day, forehead hot as A frying pan, coughing, and chills. "Honestly, I don't see why you insisted on going on that mission."

He sits next to Cross and pulls him into his chest. Cross was shocked. Physical affection? From Nightmare? Then he hears Nightmare humming and his eye sockets start feeling heavy.


When Cross woke up, it was a week later and he felt fantastic. It turns out Nightmare had kept him asleep the whole time to treat him for his sickness. Why did Nightmare keep him asleep the whole time? He said that it was because it was easier to help Cross when he wasn't resisting treatment the whole time, but Dust told him it was because the Boss didn't want Cross showing him gratitude and 'being all emotional and shit' as Dust put it.

Ever since then, Cross had noticed Nightmare being kinder to the gang. Instead of just punishing them for messing up, he'd also reward them for doing things right. The punishments got less harsh. From no sleep for a week, to nightmare's for days, to just a harsh scolding. And eventually, the punishments faded out entirely. Cross had also noticed the gang becoming more friendly in response. The bullying turned to dark humor to light hearted teasing. Now this place was starting to feel more like a home.

"Is it busin?" Dust said teasingly while watching Cross scarf down his food like someone was gonna take it from him.

"Hush! I need to get it done quickly!" Cross said. Then Killer walks into the kitchen. He seems distracted and his eyelights are visible.

"Oh, hi Killer." Dust said. Killer nods at them and sits on the counter. "You good?"

"Y-Yes..." Killer said. He played with his sleeves anxiously. "Just waiting for Nightmare..."

Cross finished off his food and eyed Killer curiously. He was acting weird. Emotional. And then Cross notices that his soul looks more like a heart than a circle. Killer rubs his arm and looks around the room.

"Wh-What's for breakfast?" Killer asks.

"Horror made pancakes and scrambled eggs." Dust said. Killer nods and gets some food. This breakfast was odd. Normally Killer was quiet and emotionless despite the fake smile on his face, but today he seemed... Alive.

After his apparent fear faded, he was cracking jokes and laughing and causing chaos. Cross had even forgotten his meeting with Dream because this mood change was so fascinating.

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