Together Forever (Smut)

892 13 1

(NightmareFuel!Nightmare x Killer)

This is an Au where Nightmare looks A liiiiitle different. The link to the original art work is here:

For those of you who don't trust A link on Wattpad, you can look the artist up on Deviantart. Their name is Puzzlekick (follow them they do good art).

And for those too lazy, I describe him in the story so don't worry. :3

Requested by _lemons_please_

Kink Warning-
Size kink, some real monster fucker stuff lol

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

It started with letters appearing at random. Killer had just killed everyone in his AU for the first time when the first letter appeared.

The letter urged Killer to not be afraid. That was followed by another letter, and another one. Killer didn't know who this mysterious monster was, but he enjoyed their silent company. They had A sense of humor and never judged him.

Killer and this mystery monster found A way to talk with out Killer seeing the other. It had always plagued Killer's mind WHY this monster didn't want to be seen, but he never questioned it. Until now.

"Nightmare... why don't you ever let me see you?" Killer asked. He had his back to the door of his room. He waited until he heard A bell ringing then opens the door and walks in.

'I am rather startling in appearance and don't want to scare you off. All I want is to help you.' The letter said. Killer sighs.

"I won't be afraid. Your my only friend in the world. I don't care if your A freaking purple unicorn with pink polkadots, your still my friend." Killer said. It was silent for A while, just Killer sitting in the dark waiting for A reply.

A letter falls from the ceiling and on to Killer's lap. Killer doesn't look up. He just flips the letter over and reads it. 'Are you sure?' It says.

"Of course. I don't make promises often, but this I will promise. We'll be friends to the end." Killer said. It was quiet for a while before Killer heard something off to his left.

When he turns his head, A glowing teal eye was the first thing he saw. Nightmare was covered in goop with claws, mandibles, and goopy antenna on his shoulders. Nightmare expects to feel fear from Killer, that's the reason he stayed hidden for the past 12 months, but that isn't what happens.

"Whoa..." Said Killer, looking star struck. He gets up from the bed and goes over to Nightmare, head slightly tilted. "Nightmare, you look awesome as hell!"

"Really?" Nightmare says. Killer is half surprised by the deep raspy voice and half not. What else did Killer expect him to sound like?

"Yeah! Can I pet you?" Killer asked.

"Wait what?" Nightmare asked. He was caught off guard by Killer reaching out and patting his head. Nightmare can't help purring as Killer starts scratching his head.

"Awww, your just A big kitty!" Killer said. Nightmare blushed.


He didn't have as much luck when recruiting the others. Everyone else was afraid when they saw him. And even though they acted polite enough, Killer was the only one not afraid.

Nightmare still loved his boys, treated them like family even, but his relationship with Killer was different. Killer had seen Nightmare go ballistic, tear people apart with his claws and knife like mandibles, and then go home to immediately start treating Nightmare like A big cat.

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