The Very Sad Bean (Angst/Fluff)

440 8 20

(Killer x Bad Sanses)

Requested by Killer_sans_qwp

Mentions of rape, ptsd, eating disorder, self harm, body shaming, unsafe abortion, injuries

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

  "Ok, Killer." Nightmare said. "I am gonna give your emotions back, just... it's gonna hurt. Quite a lot. I will try to make it as painless as possible but..."

  "It's whatever, Boss." Killer said. "I can take it."

  Nightmare nods and then carefully takes Killer's soul in his hands and tentacles. He ran his tentacles along the edges of the circular soul, pushing rather roughly against it in an attempt to change its shape. It worked, but just a bit. He glanced up at Killer and saw he had his hands over his mouth and his eye sockets squeezed closed.

  He could feel the pain radiating from Killer. With a deep breath, Nightmare used his magic and forced the soul back into a heart shape. He heard a strangled cry from Killer. "Sorry... are you alright?"

  Killer sat their panting for a couple seconds, then as his heavy breathing faded he smiled. "Yeah, I am fine, Boss. And... and I can feel! Hah! I can feel!"

  Nightmare smiles sadly. He feels guilty about taking away Killer's emotions. He lifts his hand to touch Killer. "I-I am so, so sorry... I don't have any excuse to give you..."

  His hand paused before he could grab Killer's shoulder. He moved to put his hand down, but Killer grabbed it. "It's alright, Boss. You made everything right in the end."

  "R-Right... thanks... oh. And you don't have to call me Boss anymore." Nightmare said. Killer nods.

  "You got it, Boss." Killer said with a chuckle. Then he gets up. "I am gonna go see the others. See ya!"

  Nightmare watched Killer leave and waved after him. Nightmare still felt really bad about what he had done to Killer. He wanted to make it right. So when the castle got dark, Nightmare decided to block off all his gangs nightmares. He doesn't do that often because it took a lot of energy and Nightmare always woke up tired afterwards, but it was the least he could do for Killer.


  When Nightmare woke up in the morning, he groaned and stumbled into the kitchen. He was tired and groggy, but there was nothing some coffee couldn't fix. He sat at the table once his coffee was brewed and drank it as his gang slowly woke up.

  Horror was the first one down, raiding the kitchen. Killer came down a while later. "Sup, Boss?"

  "Nothing..." Nightmare mumbled into his mug.

  "Damn, you seem tired... you good fam?" Killer asked. Nightmare nodded. Then Dust walked into the kitchen.

  "Yo." He said, getting some cereal from the cabinet and pouring it into a bowl.

  "Have you always been this dorky?" Killer asked. "Who the hell says 'yo' anymore?"

  "Oh shut up, Weeaboo." Dust says, putting milk in his bowl and sitting next to Nightmare.

  "Hey! I am not!" Killer shouts.

  "Really now? Tell that to your Miku playlist." Dust said. That started and argument between them.

  "Oh my god, both of you shut up!" Shouts Nightmare, whomping them both on the back of the skull. "Just sit down, shut up, and eat your damn food!"

  Killer rubs the back of his skull, grabbing a banana and sitting down at the table. He eats it quietly same with Dust, but they both playfully glare at each other from time to time.

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