Affection (Smut)

865 12 17

(Killer x Cross)

Requested by Tweetomo

Nightmare is a cheating whore-

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Cross loved Nightmare, he truly did! It just upset Cross how distant his lover acted. When they first started out, everything was fine. But then he started ignoring Cross's texts and calls, pushing him off when he hugged him, hesitating to introduce Cross as his boyfriend.

Right now, Cross was laying across his best friend's lap and venting. Killer had been his best friend for years. His friend was mentally unstable and loved bunnies more than other humans or monsters, but Cross was one of the only exceptions to that rule.

"Damn... it sounds like he is hiding something." Killer said. Cross looks up at him.

"You think so?" He asks.

"Well, why else is he so evasive?" Killer asked. Cross sighs. He doesn't want to admit it, however he did have that same feeling. He kept trying to think of A reason why and that was the safest bet he could make. His mind kept circling around one thought that Cross desperately tried to push away. 'What if he is cheating?' It said.

"I don't-... What should I do then?" Cross sighs.

"Try talking to him about it. Remember, communication is key." Killer said.

"Right... Thanks, Kills!" Cross said.

"Alrighty. You wanna hang out for A bit?" Killer said.

"Hell yeah! That's why I came over in the first place!" Cross said. Killer smiles. The pair go about the day playing games and watching movies.

"Wanna see my Knife Game skills? They have gotten better!" Killer said.

"Uhhhh... how about no?" Cross said.

"Too bad!" Killer said. He puts his hand on the kitchen counter, fingers spread out and showing off all his scars from previous failures of this game. Cross always got so much anxiety when Killer did this. "Ooooh~! I have all my fingers! The knife goes chop, chop, chop. If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off. And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out. But all the same I play this game because that's what it's all about! No you can't use A pencil, you can not use A pen! The only way is with A knife when danger is your friend!"

"Oh my fuckin' god! R/sweatypalms up in here! This is so stupid!" Cross said, watching his friend risk his hand for some adrenaline.

"Some may call it stupid, some may call it dumb." Killer said, glance over at Cross with A playful glare but never stopping the breakneck pace of the knife. "But all the same we play this game because it's so damn fun! Ooooh~! I have all my fingers, the blood goes drip, drip, drop. Be careful when you play this game or you may never stop! Oooh~! Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, I am picking up the speed and if it hit my fingers then my hand will surely bleed!"

Then Killer drops the knife on the counter and flashes A smug smile at Cross. "You are so dumb." Cross said.

"Well I did it unscathed, didn't I?" Killer said. Cross looks over at his hand to see A nick in between his middle and ring finger. "Oi! Don't look at me like that! What I meant is that I didn't lose A finger!"

"That is lucky... I really do worry about you, Kills..." Cross said. Killer looked surprised at someone being genuinely concerned about his safety. His face heats up and he awkwardly clears his throat.

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