Re-Education (Forced Lemon)

831 9 3

(Passive!Nightmare x ?)

Stockholm Syndrome, abuse, and kidnapping

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Passive awakes from a deep sleep only to find that I can't see. It's completely dark, his mind turning in slow circles. He had his face buried in something warm and also kinda slimy. What is this? Then he realizes it's breathing. Was it... A person? He panicked and tried to sit up, the person wrapped one arm around his back and the other on the back of his head and held him down to keep his face pressed to their chest.

"Your awake. Good. I was getting bored.~" He said, his voice surprisingly familiar and very deep.

"Wh-who are you?! Why are you here!?" Passi wailed, on the verge of crying.

"Shh..." Hushed the voice, rubbing his head in a calming way. It didn't help. Passi tried to pull away, but the mysterious person held him down, something slimy wraps around his waist. He kicked his legs, but the person wrapped there legs around Passive's to hold him there. "Don't struggle."

"What do you want from me?" Passi sobbed.

"You~." He said seductively. Passi panicked more and struggled harder. "Consider this the first day of your.... Re-education. You are gonna choose whether it's a punishment or reward depending on your behavior.~"

"Please, please let me go!" Passi cried. The person sat up against what Passi though was the bed frame, pulling Passive Nightmare with him. Only then did Passi notice he was naked along with this person. His heart sunk as he realized what is about to happen. The person spread Passi's legs, putting Passi's legs on either side of the guys hips, his dick poking Passi's tight, virgin, pussy. Passive didn't know why his body was summoned. Why couldn't he remember anything before waking up?! "No- no! Please! Please stop!"

The person hit Passive across the face so hard Passi closed his eyes. Then he realized his face wasn't against his chest so he opened his eyes and caught a brief glimpse of pillows and a bedside table with empty pill bottles before his face was pulled back to his soon to be rapists chest.

"Shh... Master doesn't want to hurt you, ever.~ So just remember, this and every other time I hurt you is your fault." And with that, the person slammed into Passi, pulling Passi's hips down roughly.

Passi screamed in pain and thrashed around, feeling his pussy tear. The person shushed him and rubbed his skull gently as he fucked roughly into Passive. "Oh~ your so tight~!"

"St-stop please..." He whimpered as he tried to find the strength to fight. This was a dream, right? Yeah that must be it. A sick twisted dream. "It hurts, a-a-at least slow d-down!"

"Night, who's fault is it that this hurts~?" He asked as he kept thrusting.

"Yours! You're raping me!" He screamed. The person roughly thrusted 3 fingers into Passi's dry, unprepared ass hole. Passive screamed.

"Wrong answer, Nighty.~ Who is doing this to you and why?" He thrusted roughly, slamming against Passi's cervix.

Passi sobbed. He just wanted this pain to stop. "M-master... Master is raping me because I was being bad..." Shame rolled over him in greasy waves.

"Good, my Little Princess learns quickly, doesn't he~?" The person cooed lovingly, making Passi feel sick. But then, the fingers were removed from his little abused ass and the thrusting became a lot more bearable. Passive tried to hold back moans but was failing. He felt disgusting.

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