Blue Lights pt.2

314 9 31

(Error x Blue)

Death, angsty sad boiness

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

  Error sat on Blue's bed as he was talking to Stretch. He knew this wasn't A good idea, but what else was he going to do? He never dealt with something like this before and all he wanted was to help his best friend. Even if that meant having to hide from someone who lived in the house like A fucking creep.

  Blue comes back A while later and sits next to Error with A sigh. "How did it go?" Error asked.

  "Well... he wasn't crazy about the idea but he told me to have fun." Blue said. Blue had told Stretch he was going to stay at Ink's house for 3 days. For whatever reason, Blue REALLY didn't like the idea of being out of the Anti-Void. Error didn't understand why someone like Blue would WANT to remain in that colorless, shadowless, noiseless space since most people were off put by the stillness. However, Error decided not to question it. Blue had been through A lot this past week.

  Error tried his best to make Blue feel safe, but something always happened to knock him down A peg. Like when Blue was on some social media app and someone was making 'rape jokes' to which Error promptly tore that persons world apart. Literally.

  He'd been living in Blue's house for A couple days. Most of his time was spent keeping out of view of Stretch which was surprisingly difficult because the guy was oddly quiet and would sometimes catch Error off guard when he was focused on other things. The rest of his time was spent taking care of Blue. He was so protective over Blue now that he'd probably kill someone for coughing in Blue's direction. Blue told him to chill, but Error doesn't know how to do that.

  Now, Blue was getting his stuff together. When Blue is ready, they head to the Anti-Void. "Ok, ok! It's almost time for the call!" Blue said.

  "Uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhh, why?" Error whined. Blue had scheduled A online game thing where Cross, Killer, Horror, Dust, Blue, Error, Dream, and Ink get on A call and play something.

  "Because I want all my friends to get along!" Blue said. Error grumbled angrily and flopped down on the beanbag chair. Error takes out his phone and goes on to the weird app Blue installed on his phone.

  He 'joins the call' like Blue taught him how to do. Error sees Blue looking around for A place to sit and Error pats his lap. Blushing A bit, Blue sits on his lap. Error doesn't see why he is blushing, but he finds it cute.

  There is A 'bing' as Ink joins the call. "Hey, Error..."

  "Hello, Squid. Look, I don't like this as much as you don't. So let's just pretend to get along for Blue's sake, ok?" Error said.

  "Agreed." Ink said. Then the others joined. Error mutes himself and Blue joins the call right after.

  "Ok! I wanted to play A game called Gartic Phone! I will send you all the link!" Blue said.

  "Blue, we don't even know how to play." Dust said.

  "Oh! Right! So, if Killer makes his prompt 'A Duck' and Cross gets the prompt then he draws it. Then Error gets Cross's picture but he thinks it's A rabbit so he'd write the new prompt of 'rabbit' and then someone else would have to draw that." Blue said. "The point of the game isn't to have the best drawings, so don't get hung up on it. I am looking at you, Ink."

  "Hey! Perfectionism is my thing!" Ink said.

  "Cap." Error said.

  "Shut it, Windows Vista!" Ink said. Blue laughs. He sends everyone the link and they get in the game.

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