Boyfrenemies (Smut)

947 15 13

(Killer x Dust)

This chapter was gonna be longer but ummm... I am lazy, lol.

Overstimulation, choking, anal, blow job, biting, praising and degrading kink

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Killer and Dust have had an odd relationship for months now. Some days they fought like cats and dogs, other days they were hanging out and playing Mario Cart. But then one day, something else happened between them.

"Well what are you gonna do about it?" Killer asked smugly. He had intentional pissed Dust off.

Dust wrapped his hand around Killer's throat and slammed him back against the floor. Killer blinked up in surprise then he smirked in defiance.

"You'd better watch out, Kills.~ Your on thin ice.~" Dust said. Killer laughed.

"What are you gonna do about it, hmm~? I bet your dick is so small I would barely feel it. I bet you'd have to pay me just to get me to orgasm." Killer taunted. Dust growled and bit his neck really hard, moving his hand down to rub roughly against Killer's pelvic bone.

"I am gonna make your regret that. You'll be limping all day tomorrow.~" Dust promises. He pokes the little pinpoint where Killer's magic is starting to gather. Killer held back a moan at the stimulation he was receiving and bit his finger.

He was resisting summoning his body for as long as he could. Sure, he found Dust sexy and was completely fine with fucking him. But was he just going to let Dust fuck him without any sort of resistance? No. Dust left Killer's neck after it was marked up and went down to his ribs.

Dust bit down on the rib and licked over the bite. Killer groaned in pleasure and immediately claps a hand over his mouth. Dust chuckles and keeps making a hickey on the rib. After that, he moves lower. He takes off Killer's pants and looks at Killer's pelvic bones.

With a smirk, Dust starts biting along the edges of Killer's pelvic bone. He hold Killer's legs up and to the side so he can't close them and bites harder. Killer moans into his hand and squirms around in pleasure. Dust then licks over the bites and presses his finger roughly against one of the holes in his sacrum. Killer moans louder and for a brief flash he worries about someone walking in on them.

And then Dust moves to the little spot where his magic is forming. He licks over it, feeling the warm tingle of magic against his tongue, and glances up to see how Killer was feeling. Killer bit down on his hand as hard as he could and struggled to not form his body. He resisted with all his might. Dust chuckles and bites down roughly on the magical pinpoint which draws a long, whining moan from Killer.

Killer can't resist anymore as his male ecto forms. "There we go.~ Was that so hard~?" Dust teases.

"Sh-shut up... your lucky your good with your mouth..." Killer grumbles. Dust laughs.

"Thanks for the complement.~" Dust says smirking and Killer. Then Dust summons his own male body. He leans down and takes the tip of Killer's dick in his mouth. He swirls his tongue around the tip before going all the way down.

Killer moans loudly and covers his mouth again. Dust pays him no mind as he starts aggressively deep throating Killer. Killer bucks his hips up into Dust's mouth making Dust gag but never waver as he continues his brutal pace.

Right as Killer was feeling close, Dust pulled off. Killer whines. Dust laughs. "You didn't forget I promised to make you limp, did you~?"

"You such a god damn tease..." Killer said. Dust kisses Killer as he grinds his erection against Killer's ass. This was the most passionate and emotional kiss they have had so far. Killer and Dust closed their eyes(?) and used genuine emotion in the kiss, Killer wrapping his arms around Dust.

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