Head Cannons

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Some of my head cannons!
(Most Recently Updated: February 8th)
Chapter Text
He doesn't like water because stagnate water, like bath water, will be absorbed by his goop and make his goop extra leaky and sticky. And moving water, from like a hose or shower, can wash off the goop.

He really likes games like Among Us, Town of Salem, Werewolf, etc.

He can play violin and piano but doesn't because he is very shy about it, not that he would ever admit it. Sometimes he plays late at night and Killer will wake up to creepy ass songs like Melancholia.

Nightmare can't stand 'cheap' things and would rather replace everything in the mansion then have anything looking 'raggedy'.

Sometimes when it's too bright in the castle, Nightmare hides in A broom closet that has no windows or light bulbs.

This book has hints of Forced God Error (originally made by harrish6). It for the most part is. There is a ballance, and Error destroys to keep that balance.

He is/would be a HUGE fan of the DSMP. Especially a TommyInnit fan. I dunno why, just because. He gives me that vibe.

His bones are scarred from constant conflict. Not like, every bone in his body has been pulverized or anything crazy like that! He just has a lot of scars.

He has a puppet that looks painfully familiar but can't find this AU in any world he checks.

Because he was in the Anti-Void for to long, he doesn't cast a shadow just like how in the Anti-Void there are no shadows.


One of Horror's eyes can't close because the spear that went through his head came out through that eye and damaged it.

He was learning Spanish before the incident with the spear and now will just randomly start speaking in Spanish one minute, then not know how to translate something as simple as 'Hola, como estas?' the next second.


He's the type of person to keep bringing up a joke after it's already been put 6 feet under.

He spend most the time watching the chaos unfold and talk to his "brother".

On the topic of Phantom, Dust's brother, he's not real. It's just Dust's stress and depression and desperation that created this 'ghost' but no one in the gang has the heart to tell Dust that his brother has been dead for years and they even play along sometime just to keep Dust happy.

Dust smokes weed. Nightmare HATES this because their rooms are so close that he can smell it from his room. Dust doesn't really care though.

He is weeb trash-

He LOVES Halloween.

Sometimes has violent and sudden mood swings.

He loves playing with knives, both versions of The Knife Game, and also likes collecting knives.

He only uses his scarf to cover his mouth, like you see in Underverse, when he is really upset, angry, or fearful.

He has a cat plushie that reminds him of his Papyrus, because he bought his Papyrus a cat plushie when they were younger, and he would destroy the whole universe if it got destroyed.

He is afraid of the color white, that's the main reason he tattooed his bones.

He isn't yandere blue (unless it was a request) but he will get extremely defensive if you call him cute, immediately assuming your being smug.

Error 404 and Fatal Error-
Terrify the HELL out of Error, Error will go out of his way to avoid them anytime he can.

Red and Edge-
Edge isn't abusive to Red like in some stories (unless it's a request), but he has hit him a couple times because he was so pissed off.

Red is on good terms with Nightmare's gang but hasn't joined because he is afraid of how Edge will react.

Edge doesn't even know about Nightmare's gang. He mainly stays in his own AU, busy with his own worlds affairs.

He is completely neutral.

He is aware of Error sometimes going to the cliff in Outertale but mainly leaves him alone. After all, "The sky is for everyone."


A parasite can always sense another parasite from anywhere in the multiverse, but since Fresh is the only one that ability is now useless.

He only takes off his glasses if he trusts you completely.

The only emotions he feels are fear and anger, unless it is with certain people.


His and Nightmare's favorite holiday is Valentines Day but Nightmare would never admit that.

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