Five Bounses For You!

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Trying to explain gender to Error!
Angst Ranking: 1

"You do know what pronouns are, right?" Blue asked. He had been kidnapped by Error A week ago and they had become friends in that timeframe. However, Blue noticed that Error never used pronouns when talking about something. He asked Error what his pronouns were only to receive A blank look from the other.

"No?" Error said, but it sounded more like A question. Blue sighs. How does he describe the gender spectrum to someone who knows nothing about it?

"Well... usually pronouns are either she/her, he/him, or they/them. They are just how you refer to someone. Like, for me, I go by he/him pronouns. So you'd say something like 'oh he is so cool, I like hanging out with him'. See?" Blue said. Error nods slowly. "You still seem confused... Any questions?"

"How do I know which to refer to someone as?" Error asked.

"Well, you ask. Typically A person expresses more girl-like or more boy-like traits physically but that can be inaccurate considering that people can be gender ambiguous or go with different pronouns then what they physically display." Blue said.

"Huh? That literally makes no fucking sense." Error said. Blue groans and rubs the back of his neck. He needs another way to explain it.

"So... girl-like traits, also called femininity, are associated with different traits then boy-like traits, or masculinity. When you're born, you are assigned A gender based on physical traits but then later in life that can change. Femininity is associated with things like dresses and being motherly, usually with A higher voice, and masculinity is associated with more... more uh... things like sports and A deeper voice. You got that?" Blue asked. Error nods, A look of intense concentration on his face. "Some people however, don't have traits typically of their assigned gender. You could be born female but like sports, hate kids, and have A deeper voice. Or you could be assigned male but don't like sports, act more motherly towards those weaker or younger than you, and like dresses."

"O-Ok... I think I got it. What if there is someone who likes both boy and girl traits?" Error asked.

"Well you'd need to ask them. Asking for pronouns is very important because you don't wanna upset someone. Someone who associates with male and female traits are usually called bigender which means she/he pronouns. Someone who doesn't associate with either label would be called many different names on the gender neutral scale but because you're new to this, the quick summary is that those kinds of people go by they/them pronouns. People who associate with all of them or don't care what pronouns you use she/he/they." Blue said. Error nods, seeming to be gaining an understanding of gender. Now Blue was kinda stumped. How was he gonna explain neopronouns if Error barely grasped the others?

"Ok so... I think I understand. How do I know what my pronouns are? You asked that before, right?" Error asked.

"I am glad you asked. It can take A while for someone to figure out which pronouns work best for them, however the best way to find out is experiment and have an open mind. You can go by just he/him pronouns or she/her or they/them or any mix of those pronouns. So for you, why don't you try out using pronouns referring to yourself and feel which is best for you?" Blue said. Error thinking for A couple seconds.

"Well... I was thinking they/them sounded cool. 'Watch out for them or they will destroy your world', y'know?" Error said.

"Or you could use female pronouns and totally girl boss it." Blue said with A laugh. Error looks completely confused,

"What the hell does that even mean?!" Error asked loudly. "She is A boss regardless of gender so why even use the term 'girl boss'?! That's like if you said 'girl king'! It doesn't make sense!"

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