Enemies to Lovers (Smut)

673 8 8

(Cross x Error)

Requested by FoxieUvU

Slight angst but nothing to bad

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Cross and Error hadn't really been on the best terms. Considering the fact that Error tried to kill Cross then kidnapped him after the fight with Ink in Outertale, it kinda made sense. Later, Error dropped him off at the Dark Sans mansion because he felt bad because Cross was starting to go crazy from the Anti-Void.

Error never really spoke to Cross after that, it was kinda hard when Cross would just glare daggers into him. He did know that the others became great friends with Cross which made Error curious, but didn't take action on his curiosity. But then one day...

"Hey! You mother fu--!!" Error shouts as he gets locked in the basement by the rest of the gang.

"Sorry, Error! It's for your own good!" Dust shouts through the door. Error growls and pulls on the anti-magic bracelet around his wrist.

Error looks around the dimly lit dungeon for some way to escape, but only finds a white figure in the corner. Error squints his eye sockets and eventually the image clears and he sees Cross sitting in the corner of the basement glaring at him. He has an anti-magic collar on.

"Oh greaaaat, I knew this was a set up..." Error said. He sits in the opposite corner of the basement and looks at the wall. He can still feel Cross's eyelight burning into him.

"They got you too it seems..." Cross said after a while of silence.

"Yuuup." Error says. "Honestly I thought they were gonna kill me, so I guess this is better."

"They wouldn't do that. They like you, god knows why." Cross said.

"Hey!" Error said. It was quiet once more.

Minutes or maybe hours passed before Cross stands up and starts pacing the basement. The clack of his shoes against the ground is the only thing making noise. Error eventually gets fed up with it and groans. "Cross! Pacing won't fix this!"

"Shut the hell up and let me think, glitch!" Cross shouted. Error rolls his eyelights and pulls his knees to his chest.

There is more silence, more pacing, frustrated sighs from Cross, and more silence. After at LEAST an hour, Error sits up straight (gay) and starts talking. "They can't keep us here forever. You'll starve to death if they don't open the doors to give us food."

"What, you won't starve?" Cross said incredulously.

"Probably not. I am used to eating less and by the time I DO start starving I would've already found a way out of here." Error said. Cross groans and walks back to his corner.

"Why did I have to get trapped here with the most arrogant monster on the face of the planet?" Cross grumbled into his hands.

"Oh hush, you're stubborn but I don't complain about that." Error said.

"WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP SAYING THAT?!" Cross shouted. "How am I a stubborn leader if I have been following everyone around my whole life like a kicked puppy?! I am not strong, I am just good at following orders like a tamed sheep! I am not strong on my own..."

It was silent a while longer. "You are the type of person who makes up their mind and sticks to their opinion." Error said.

"How do you know that? You know nothing about me!" Cross said.

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