Colorless Love (Angst)

374 6 5

(Killer x Bad Sanses)

Requested by 1mmmm0

Abuse, Toxic Positivity

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV-

Every member of Nightmare's gang were worried about Killer. He had shown up to the castle multiple times a week with new bruises or a limp. He would space out multiple times during conversation.

"Killer!" Error shouted to get his attention. Killer flinched and looked at Error.

"Sorry!" He said.

"You good, my dude? You have been spacing out a lot recently." He asked.

"Yeah, of course! I just haven't gotten much sleep recently... nightmares, y'know?" He said. Error looked over at Nightmare who had Cross sitting in his lap, they were both listening.

"What we're they about?" Error asked.

"Nothing important. Just typical nightmares... anyway what was your question?" Killer said, trying to get it back to the original topic. Error obliged, knowing pushing it wouldn't get them anywhere.

About a week later, Killer came back to the castle. He was holding his ribs and had a bruise on his cheek. The others took notice but Killer had an excuse.

"I fell down the stairs. But don't worry! I am fine." He said. The others knew it was a lie. If this was the first time it happened they probably would have believed him, but this was a common thing.

"I got hit in the face with a door", "I was attacked by a dog", "I dunno, I just woke up with a bruise" and the others knew all of those were lies.

Killer yawned and sat on the couch. "Guys, I didn't sleep last night. Mind if I crash here for a while?"

"Go ahead. You can take the couch or the spare room." Nightmare said.

"Aight. Thanks, Nuggetmare." Killer said, heading up the stairs and into the spare room.

Nightmare watched him leave and when he was sure Killer was to far to hear, he started talking to the others. "I am really worried about him."

"Same. Did you see the bruise on his face? That wasn't from a fall." Dust said. The others agreed.

"Where does he even go? He is the only one except me who doesn't live in the mansion." Said Error.

"He said he lives with his boyfriends." Nightmare said. Error stiffened.

"You... you don't think...?" Error said.

"It's possible..." Nightmare said.

"Hey, Night. You can see into peoples nightmares right?" Cross asked.

"Kinda. I can control if or if not you have one but I can't control what that nightmare is. Also if your negativity is to high, you will have a nightmare regardless of what I do to stop it. And..." Nightmare sighs. "The only way to see someone's dreams would be if... Dream was here..."

"Would you be ok with Dream coming here so we can help Killer?" Asked Error, hugging Nightmare's arm to comfort him.

"I... fine... but only to help Killer." He said. Nightmare pulls out his phone and texts Dream. He wasn't sure who gave Dream his number, but his brother texts him every day and Nightmare didn't have the heart to block him.

Dream. I need your help.

Really? I will help in anyway I can 😊

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