Peace (Smut)

958 14 3

(Nightmare x Killer)

Requested by Nox_Nightlights

Kinky shit, wholesome shit.

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Negativity flowed as freely as oxygen, beautiful ear piercing screams tore through the air, chaos fell like cold rain on a hot summer day. Nightmare stood amid the chaos, watching with a smile as his gang caused havoc.

  "Hey, Boss." Killer said, dropping the Sans of this AU at Nightmare's feet. "He was trying to call the Star Sanses."

  "Is that so? Thank you, Darling." Nightmare said. Nightmare looks over the Sans. "Hmm... Error is planning to destroy this AU anyways, might as well make it easier for our ally."

  "You got it, Boss." Killer says, before the Sans reacts, Killer stabs through the Sans's soul. Blood splatters all over Killer's face as he yanks the knife out and the Sans's soul shatters.

  Nightmare looks at Killer. He is covered in blood and slightly roughed up from all of the fighting, but Nightmare has never seen a more beautiful skeleton. Nightmare puts a hand on Killer's cheek, kissing him. Killer kisses back, no emotion, no passion. Just A soulless kiss. Two merciless lovers that bring chaos wherever they go with an unbeatable group of murderers. Buts that's all in the past.


  Two years can really change A lot about A person. Nightmare had changed. He no longer wanted just some soulless creature that couldn't say no, he wanted A true monster that could say yes. That's why he gave Killer his emotions back.

  It was A big change, but it was A welcome change. And Nightmare fell just as madly in love with Killer as he ever was when Killer was emotionless. His spunky bratty nature always made everyone smile. The gang had changed A lot too.

  From A group of psychopathic murderers to A group of mentally ill children that Nightmare had to baby sit constantly. Very recently, Dream and Nightmare made A truce but of course that didn't happen just like that. One new little soul changed Nightmare's mind.

  One beautiful night changed Nightmare's life for the better. It was A couple months ago, ten months to be exact.

Nightmare pins Killer roughly against the wall with A growl. Killer chuckles, feet slightly too high off the ground to touch the floor.

"You alright Boss? You seem A little tense.~" Killer said. Nightmare kisses Killer roughly, hand moving down to rub against Killer's pelvis. Then Nightmare pulls back. "It's almost like your mad about something.~"

  "You know DAMN well what upset me, brat! Teasing me all day, purposely getting in trouble just to get A punishment. And now, your gonna get one.~" Nightmare says. Killer wraps his legs around Nightmare's waist, hands on his face.

  "Awww, my Boss is all hot and bothered.~" Killer said, leaning down and kissing Nightmare. Nightmare kisses back, grinding his pelvic bone against Killer's as he pushes the other back against the wall.

Nightmare feels Killer's body summon. His female ecto has always been beautiful to Nightmare. Sure, he had big boobs and thighs and all the stereotypical pretty things, but he more so loved it because of Killer's confidence. Nightmare doesn't care for body type. Skinny, chubby, muscular, tall, or short, all that he cared about was the  confidence to live in your body no matter what it looked like and Killer did just that. Killer was hot and he knew it.

Killer moans as Nightmare slips his hand into his pants and starts playing with his clit. Nightmare bites and sucks on Killer's neck, marking the pearly white bone. He feels Killer grip on to him harder. "Fuck, Boss~!"

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