Camping Trip (Smut)

792 11 15

(Cross x Nightmare)

Requested by ThatWeird_ErrorSans

My favorite comment on this was from the previous book. I don't know who said it, but it was in reference to Nightmare wanting to share a tent with Cross. It was just; "What a fucking simp." Why did that make me laugh so hard tho?

Sex and shit, spookiness?

Angst Ranking-

Third Person POV

From the very beginning, Cross and Nightmare had A very on again off again relationship. Sly comments and harmful jokes mixed with soft affection and 'fluffy romance stuff' as the gang called it.

Currently, they were all camping in the woods by their house. Nightmare said it was A dumb idea that would probably result in something bad happening but in the end it happened anyways.

They sat around the campfire, the light shining on their bones as Killer started telling them A scary story. "Once, A very long time ago, A man lured his family out into the woods. He had just gotten fired from his job and was known to be A violent alcoholic but this was way worse then all the previous times he got drunk. He was angry, rabid. The very way he talked and moved signaled danger like an animal was taking over his very soul."

Cross looked extremely nervous but he seemed to be alone in that sentiment. "But despite their fear, the family followed him. He was family, right? But they never left the forest. When the guards went to check the cabin they went to, blood and decaying corpses were the only thing occupying the house. After that, more people went missing in the woods. Blood and viscera was the only signs they existed at all. And survivors say that at night if you hear ghostly moans in the dark, he is watching and waiting for his next victim to appear."

"Boooring." Error said. "It's s'mores time!"

"Foooooood!" Horror shouts. Cross is the only one genuinely shook by the story. The eager pair rush to the ice chest they brought and get out the chocolate for s'mores as Cross tries to calm down.

"Well, looks like Cross isn't gonna sleep tonight." Dust said, laughing.

"Don't laugh!" Cross said, blushing in embarrassment and hiding his face in his scarf.

"It's honestly adorable how much of A scaredy-cat you are." Nightmare said. Error was already roasting his marshmallow and trying to stop Horror from eating all the gram crackers before they can finish making the s'mores.

"Hey, what about truth or dare?" Error suggests.

"Sure, sounds fun!" Horror said then reaches for another gram cracker only to have his hand slapped by Error. "Ow."

"Alright. Umm... truth or dare, Cross." Killer said.

"Uh, truth." Cross said.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Killer asks. Cross thinks for A second.

"Ripped A tag of A mattress?" Error said.

"Tipped A waiter 2 cents?" Dust said.

"Didn't say 'bless you' when someone sneezed?" Nightmare said.

"Hey! I am not that much of A square! I um... once read my brother's diary and heard that he liked someone and so I told them and they rejected Papyrus and he didn't talk to me for A week." Cross said. He still felt guilty about that. Some of the other things he has done, like destroying AUs, didn't stick with him as much as that did.

"Woooooow." Killer said. "Boring."

"Ok, Error truth or dare?" Cross asked.

"Dare, duh." Error said.

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