Coffee Break (Smut)

826 14 20

(DreamSwap Dream, DreamSwap Ink, DreamSwap Blue)

Requested by kiNkyinKy-

Wow! I procrastinated so much on this story! 🙃

The main reason is because I know NOTHING about DreamSwap. Ink has no emotions, Blue swapped with Error (And was abused by his brother? Or is that fanon?), Dream swapped with Nightmare... right?? I hope so because that is what I am going with.

Double penetration, drugging(?)

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

  Dream stared down at the same line on the paper he had read 50 times. His mind couldn't process the bland text over all the apathy and frustration he was feeling. Then, he heard a knock on the door.

  "Come in..." Dream mumbled, already knowing it was Ink based on the aura (or lack thereof). Ink opened the door, looking down at a paper.

"You left this on the kitchen counter." He said. Dream groans and leans back in his chair.

"Greeeeaaat..." he says.

"You seem frustrated." Ink said, setting the paper to the side.

He sighs and looks over at his boyfriend. "It not because of you. I... ugh. I have been doing paperwork all day long."

"Perhaps you need a break? That may refresh your mind. Or at least, that's what Blue told me breaks do." Ink said.

"Well... maybe your right..." Dream said, standing up and stretching his wings. Ink nods and leaves the room, Dream following.

Dream held his wings close to his back and off the ground but not completely closed. Doing that hurt his wings. He entered the living room and saw his chaotic lover smirking like the cat that swallowed the canary. "Oh no. What now?" Dream asked.

"Me? Nothing, nothing.~ Just little ol me sitting here watching the birds outside." Blue said.

"That is the most suspicious thing you have said this week." Ink said. Blue just laughed. Dream just shook his head and went into the kitchen.

He looked between the coffee and the tea, then decided to have some tea. Maybe it would help his pounding headache. Ink also came in to the kitchen, he chose to drink coffee though.

Dream took a seat on the couch, sipping his tea and daydreaming. He felt the warm tea go down his throat(?) and into his stomach(?). He found that kinda odd, but maybe he just made it too hot. Ink sat down too, looking over at Blue who was still grinning ear to figurative ear.

"What's so funny?" He asked, sipping his coffee.

"Just thought of a joke." Blue said. He stood up and sat in Ink's lap. Ink's face flushed but otherwise his face didn't change. "Don't mind me.~"

The Justice Rein wasn't really... dating per say? However after Blue had lived with them for a while, he got used to touching them. Others? Not so much. As a result, things like someone sitting in another persons lap wasn't UNCOMMON. As Dream's brother put it: things were "sus as hell" in their castle. (Mansion? Palace? 🤷♀️)

Dream rolls his eyelights. But then he realizing that the warmth in his stomach hasn't left. In fact, he thinks it's spreading. He glances over at Ink to see that his face is steady blushing harder and harder and he covers his face with his hand. Blue laughs.

"Blue, what did you do?" Dream asks, panting slightly. Blue smirks.

"Oh... yknow... just put an aphrodisiac in the coffee grounds and tea bags.~" He says.

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