Blue Lights (Forced Lemon)

697 7 23

(Blue x Error)

Requested by @coolgear10

Y'know I love my boy Nightmare, but these chapters literally make me hate him. 🙃

Also, I cut this chapter in half because I didn't want another 10,000 word chapter.

Rape, forced impregnation, abuse

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Blue has been friends with Error for A year, but only met the Bad Sanses A couple months ago. He fit in with most of them just fine, he was friends with Killer, Dust was chill and fun to mess with especially when he was high, Cross was very sweet, and Horror is like A giant puppy. But he wasn't comfortable with being there without one of his friends near him. Not because of the castle's ominous feeling, but because of Nightmare.

He would always catch Nightmare staring at him in A weird way or looking him up and down with A look that genuinely terrified him. There was always this look of plotting malevolence in his eyelight.

Currently he was sitting in the living room with A heavily stoned Dust trying to get him to say 'eyes'. "What does y-e-s spell?" Blue asked, trying to hold back laughter.

"Yes?" Dust said but it sounded more like A question.

"An-and what does e-y-e-s spell?" Blue said, giggling halfway through.

"Eiyes?" Dust asked. Blue laughed so hard he started wheezing. "What? I don't get it!"

After A couple seconds, Dust starts laughing too. "Wh-what does e-y-e-s spell?" Blue said, choking on his own laughter.

"Eyeahs?" Dust asked again. Blue then falls to the floor laughing so hard. It took about five minutes for Dust to get it. "Wait... E... Y... E... S... Eyes!"

When that incident was over, he decided to spend the night. He was going to be staying in Cross's room, it would've been Dust's but Blue doesn't want anyone to smell weed on him when he goes home.

An hour passed and it was now dinner time. Blue was sitting at the table, joking around with the others. That is until Nightmare walked in and everyone went quiet.

"Good evening, Boss." Cross said. Nightmare nods. His eyelight was glued on Blue as he walked by. Blue just looked down at his food and didn't look up no matter how much his instincts screamed at him to look up.

"So. Are you spending the night, Blue?" Nightmare asked. Blue nods. "Good, that's good."

Blue has never felt more uncomfortable. Luckily for everyone, Nightmare gets his food and leaves the room. Everyone visibly relaxes when he is gone.

"That was very uncomfortable..." Blue said.

"Well, the boss is A nice monster! He took us all in when we had nothing. But um... don't get on his bad side." Cross said. All the others nod.

"Unless you want broken bones of course." Killer said. He rubs his wrist and turns his head to the side like he was remembering something horrible.

"Does he... does he hit you guys?" Blue asked.

"Um... well... he-... I just uh... don't make him mad." Horror said. Blue suddenly wasn't hungry. The way they talked about Nightmare and behaved around him drew A nasty picture of abuse.

Nothing more was said about it until a month later when Blue witnessed the abuse first hand. He was sitting on Horror's bed and the two of them were playing Uno.

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