A Sick Skele (Fluff)

448 8 3

(Blue x Dream x Ink)

Requested by AU_Library

This chapter is A little short, but I have A self-imposed goal of 1000 words per chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!

Sickness, poor self care

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

For A long time, the Star Sanses have been in A polyamorous relationship. It was just kinda something that happened. All of them were very touchy, huggy monsters.

Hugs from behind, kisses on the cheek, cuddles, and holding hands escalated over time to kissing on the lips(?), make out sessions, and heated moments. So they just kinda... ended up together. It only became "official" two months ago when they went on A dinner date together and ended up doing very unadvertizor friendly things.

Currently, Blue was laying across Dream's lap with his head on the arm rest of the couch. They were playing A video game while Ink was out working.

"Ugh! This game is so frustrating!" Blue shouts.

"Well, it's A rage game so of course it is." Dream said. They were playing Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy and any time one of them would get to made they would pass off the controller.

Blue's eye socket starts twitching as he once again falls at The Orange Hell. Dream takes the controller from his malfunctioning lover. That's when Ink comes back home.

"Hello, Ink!" Dream said. Blue sighs and sits up and also waves at Ink. Ink's face is blushing rainbow and he is panting. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, jus over heated." Ink said. Dream goes over and puts his hand on Ink's head.

"Oh, your running A fever." Dream said.

"Pffft, I am fiiine. I am jus gonna chug water and get back ta work." Ink said. Dream crosses his arms and glares at Ink. "Whaaaat?"

"Your gonna make yourself sicker if you don't rest! Come on, we are taking you to bed." Dream said. He grabs Ink's wrist and pulls him up the stairs.

Ink stumbles after Dream, not resisting anymore. Dream tucks his feverish lover into bed after taking off his shoes and scarf. Dream kisses Ink on the forehead and gives his skull A little pat. "You need to rest, Inky. No work for you."

"But Dreeeeaaamy! Whatda bout Error?" Ink asked.

"Me and Blue can take care of it." Dream said. Blue then comes into the room with A glass of water and some aspirin.

"Here, Inky! I brought some medicine so you'll feel better." Blue said. Ink mumbles something unintelligibly. Dream helps him take two pills.

"I dun wanna sleep..." Ink said. Dream just sighs and sits next to him. He kisses his lover's forehead and golden waves of magic rush through Ink for just A second, ensuring him good dreams and putting him to sleep much faster.

"Ugh. He is gonna get hurt one of these days." Dream said as Ink fell asleep.

"We just need to take care of him. He is very forgetful but that's why we are always here to remind him to take breaks!" Blue said. Dream smiles. He gets up and kisses Blue's cheekbone.

"Yeah... I am gonna stay here in case he wakes up and needs something." Dream said.

"Alrighty! I, the magnificent Sans, will be making food for us! Tell me if anything happens." Blue said. Dream nods.

As soon as Blue leaves he pull out his phone.

Hey, Error? Could you cut back on all the destroying? Inky is very sick right now.

Oh? Alright. Give me and Nightmare more time with each other anyway.
I hope he gets better.

Then Blue goes downstairs to make food for his two boyfriends. He really did enjoy their company. Things were always so fun and amazing just being near them. Blue almost thought they were as cool and magnificent as him.

Blue remembers days of fighting by their sides and hanging out. Chatting, jokes, kisses, and love. Not L.O.V.E, that genuine love that got Blue borderline high. Like during the hot springs day.

It had been A stressful day for all three of them. Things were hectic with tons of fighting, and now Ink wanted to show them something. He made and entire AU with the sole purpose of calming them all down. It could hardly be called an AU, it was way too small. But what it lacked in size it all but made up for in style.

The tiny Au was that of mountainous terrain. Stones in the mountains glimmered all sorts of different beautiful colors, shining in the light like they were alive and speaking to the beautiful dark blue sky in their own secret language. And in the center of these mountains were two pools of warm, steamy water.

Ink took off all his clothes without A hint of hesitation and jumps in. Dream and Blue blush upon seeing their crush's naked bones. Blue also strips and gets in with Ink. More hesitant then the other two, Dream follows.

Sinking into the warm water, he can't help but sigh. The water really did make him relax more. "Wow, Ink. You really out did yourself once again." Dream said.

"Thank you! I thought this would help us all out." Ink said. He dips under the water, wiping off the ink stain on his cheek that was sure to come back within the hour.

Blue splashes Ink. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Why not? Mwhehe!" Blue says, splashing Ink more. Ink splashes Blue back and soon, it's A water fight between the three.

Blue ducks under the water and disappears. "Where did he go?" Dream asks.

Then Dream is suddenly picked up from behind. "Wah! Blue put me down! Ah!"

And then is yeeted into the deeper part of the hot spring. Blue laughs hard, same with Ink. When Dream pops up, he growls. "That's it." Dream said.

Now the water fight was A lot more intense with the result being most of the water gets splashed out. The group mess around and tease each other, splashing and playing all night. It truly was A very good stress reliever.

As the night dragged on, they went home and made A blanket fort. Cuddled up with his crushes under A fort of their own design, Blue falls even deeper in love with his "friends".

Blue had just finished making food for the two of them. Tacos of course! He balances the two plates as he walks to Ink's room. He struggles for A while to open the door and then eventually gets it to open.

When he walks inside, he sees Dream and Ink sleeping. Dream has his head pillowed on his arms, resting at the edge of the bed. Ink was hugging his blanket like it was A person, sleeping like A baby. With A warm smile, Blue sets the food on the nightstand next to the bed.

He floats Dream into bed next to Ink and fixes the blanket over them. Then he kisses both his lovers on the forehead, regardless of if he gets sick or not. Some people are worth getting sick for.

(1173 words)

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