Pure Unadulterated Ketamine

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Most recently updated: February 6th

Dust After Snorting Windex: Y'know? Fuck it! If you have a body, show it! Be proud of it!
Killer:ok! (Runs upstairs. He comes back several minutes later dragging a bloody figure wrapped in bedsheets and tied with leather straps.) Tada~!
Bad Sanses:...
Horror: Haha, snack!
Nightmare:Horror, no-

Blue:ok, next question. Would you punch a baby as hard as you can if you got-
Blue: I haven't finished the question.
Error:don't care. I wanna dead ass stone a baby. With a rock.
Blue: 👁👄👁

Error:oh shit! I dropped my needle.
Killer:well I dropped my will to live.
Dust:(begins to play a laugh track he has for some unknown reason.)

Killer:hehehe... sorry, but the boss asked me to get answers out of you. Anyway I have to.~
Y/N:you'll never make me talk...
Killer:are you sure about that Mrs.... Mr? Mx? What's your pronouns?
Y/N:..... Bruh. Your literally about to torture me.
Killer:your point being...?

Error:August, September, Halloween, November, December.
Dust:Uh, I think you mean August, September, Halloween, Turkey, Christmas.
Horror:I believe it's spelled hot as balls, fuck it's school again, Halloween, turkey, Christmas.
Nightmare:Don't forget New Years, Forever Alone, Windy As Fuck, Shit it's rainy, Allergies—

Nightmare:hmmm... it's been two hours since I heard screaming from the others... what are they doing? (Goes down stairs.)
Bad Sanses:(legit sitting on the couch unironically watching Coco Melon.)
Nightmare:what the actual fu-
Dust:don't fucking judge us! This shows songs are all bops!
Nightmare:..... I am changing the locks so you can't come back in the castle next mission you go on.

Killer:I could just show you! (He opens his phone and a song automatically starts playing.)
Phone:🎶 Awake I open my eyes to see a hospital so white and clean🎶—
Killer:sorry that was a song that-
Bad Sanses:🎶 I was walking up to the roof... I think. Then can't recall at all a single thing. 🎶
Killer:oh... I forgot that we are all mentally ill for a second there!

Killer:Ugh, I am functioning on 6 hours of sleep and haven't eaten today.
Horror:I am functioning off pain meds and 2 hours of sleep and haven't eaten in 46 hours.
Dust:wait, you guys are functioning? (Passes out, knocking down everything on the counter.)

Horror: It's not good to waste food!
Y/N: Wasn't waisting food the only way you guys in the underground ate and that's why the food crisis happened?
Horror: I-... *Has an existential crisis*

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