The Pink Vial (Smut)

1K 18 36

(Error x Bad Sans's)

Requested by __Julek__

Kink Warning:
Overstimulation, anal, tentacles, group sex, degradation, praising, rough and gentle

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Error grumbled in annoyance. 'That stupid squid.' He thought. 'He fled right when I was about to win.'

Error and Ink had been fighting in a copy of an AU. The AU was completely thrashed. All the inhabitants were dead, but now strings and ink covered the walls and streets of the empty shell of this AU.

'Well at least this makes my job easier.' He thought then ripped out the AU's code. He opened a portal to leave, then something caught his eye. A pink vial laying in the snow.

He walked over to it, and picked it up. It was cracked and leaking the pink substance so hesitantly, he put his hand over the crack to stop it from leaking. It didn't hurt him, so that was a relief.

Then Error realized he was standing in a crumbling AU. He quickly walked through the portal he had previously made. He sat in his bean bag chair and summoned his strings. He wrapped them around the vial to stop it from leaking. He thought of just hanging the vial and waiting for the next fight with Ink to give it back, but then he would just make this vial to make more AU's.

So instead, he opened a portal to Nightmare's mansion/castle. He walked through and flopped on the couch. The usual chaos was going on. Dust was talking to his... "Brother". Killer was just sitting there, but he had that glint in his eye socket that meant he was planning something. And Cross and Horror were discussing why would the witch from Hansel and Gretel would want Hansel to be fat considering fat is one of the most inedible parts of a human body.

Error sighed. "You two are little discussing the semantics of eating children."

They all looked over, having not realized he was there before. "Error!" Said Cross. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Said Error, his body glitching more do to the fact Horror was now chewing on his arm. But Error didn't really mind. Then Horror stops.

"Whoa! Why is your hand pink? Did you kill a Danganronpa character?" Horror joked. (The joke is that all characters in that game bleed hot pink.)

"Nah. Sprinkle Boi just left this when we were fighting." He said. Holding up the pink vial.

"Really? What does it do?" Asked Cross.

"I dunno. All his vial do something different. This didn't hurt when I touched it, so that's a plus." Error said.

"How DOES Ink use his vials?" Asked Killer.

"Well he paints with them. But also, I have seen him drink them before. Once he drank the red vial and almost literally curve stomped me." Error said. He was still rather salty about that.

"So... What if you drank that?" Said Killer.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We don't know what it does, and I don't even know if those vial work for anyone but Ink." Said Error.

"I dare you to drink it." Said Cross.

"What?! No!" Said Error.

"If you do i'll give you all my chocolate." Cross said.

Error really had to think this one over. Does he risk his life for chocolate? Or no?

"Come on! I double dog dare you!" Cross said.

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