Necessity/Love (Angst/Smut)

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(Fresh x Error)

This is two stories in one, I didn't know which type of Errorfresh I wanted to make. So I made an angsty one and a fluffy one and put them in the same chapter. Obviously separate so people won't get confused. This isn't either of the two chapters that were requested this one was just half done when I got them. They will be next, don't worry!

Assault (Necessity), toxic relationship (Necessity), serious injuries (Necessity), F!God Error (Both), sad boi error (both), slight suicidal themes (Love)

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV- Necessity

Error and Fresh had been dating for a while. Not because they loved each other. Fresh couldn't feel emotions and Error hated him. They were bonded to each other, not because they loved each other, purely out of necessity.

There was many reasons for this. Mated pairs of monsters had more magic which Fresh, being a parasite, needs to sustain himself. And Error also needed that. With the Stars getting more members for there group, Error was swamped. Also, they had mutualish goals. Error wanted to maintain balance to the universe by stopping the Star's and Fresh wanted to live which the Star's we're making difficult.

Plus, Error doesn't believe love exists, so why would he feel the need to save his bond for his "one true love"? TL;DR this relationship was useful to both parties even if now they were bonded together.

Error was in the Anti-Void trying very hard not to think about anything at all. Fresh and Error's behavioral relationship was very off again on again. Like what happened a couple weeks ago...

*Flash back*

While making puppets, Fresh came into the Anti-Void. Error glanced up at him then back at his puppet. "Yooooo, my fine brotato chip!"

"Hey, Fresh." He was nearly done with the eyes...

Fresh sat down next to him, way too close. "Can you back up a bit?"

"Why? We are bonded, I don't get why I can't touch you yet. You haven't even given me a reason." He said, grabbing Error's shoulder. Error tried to push him away to no avail.

"I aM afRAid 0f touch1ng peoPLE! Now baCk OFf!" Error screamed, fear and anger in his glitching voice.

Fresh pushed him to the ground and got on top of him. Panic filled Error's mind. He wasn't going to...? No! Error felt a crash coming on. Then he heard Fresh laughing.

He got up. "Just kidding, Broski. I would never do something that unrad to you!" He said.

Error curled into a ball on his side, shaking and tears in his eyes. He never brought up this incident ever again even though it happened two other times.

*Back to the present*

Error shook his head aggressively to shake away those thoughts. 'Fresh didn't do anything to you. Stop acting like such a cry baby.' He thought.

But Error couldn't claim he was innocent either.

*Flash Back*

Error grabbed Fresh, the REAL Fresh, and was holding him over a garbage disposal in some random house on the surface. He turned it on and the parasite started screeching and struggling to get out of his grip.

"All it would take is me opening my hand you stupid fucking parasite!" He screamed. "You depend on ME for survival! If I wasn't here to help you get a new host every time your old one dies, you wouldn't be here today!"

The parasite kept struggling, fear and anger were the only two emotions it could feel. Struggling harder it screeched again.

"I could end it all right here, you understand me?!" Error hissed. Then he clicked of the garbage disposal and the parasite calmed down, nestling in his hand again. They continued on with getting Fresh a new host like nothing happened.

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