Time Togther (Smut)

918 12 6

(Horror x Bad Sanses)

Requested by Ihatelifeforeverok

Uh oh, I just failed my Duolingo 8 day streak. If I go missing, you know what happened. 🥲

Group sex, knife play, tit fucking, fingering

Angst Scale-
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Horror's boyfriends always made life around the castle interesting. Some days it would be flirting like the day Error came to the castle in a red turtleneck with a white tennis skirt plus some red socks with white hearts on them and had his female ecto summoned. It turned out to be because he lost a bet, but the gang waisted no time simping.

"Holy mother of god! Bark, bark, bark!" Said Dust.

"Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry." Killer said.

"Error! Error, Error! Do your shoes need shining?!" Shouts Horror.

"Well, now I gotta change my underwear..." Said Nightmare. Error blushes hard, covering his face.

"You guys are all douche bags!" He says, dying of embarrassment.

But also, things in their household could be incredibly sweet and wholesome. It happened pretty often, any time one of them was in need of reassurance the others provided it.

Horror was standing in front of the mirror looking at himself. He touches the hole in his head, stifling a flinch, and frowns. Horror didn't like it. He wanted to cover it, forget it was there and never think about it again. But he couldn't.

Then he drops his hand and uses the other one to touch his empty eye socket. He tried once more to relight his eye, only getting a few sparks and tons of pain in his eye socket. Horror sighs and crosses his arms, sort of hugging himself. Self hate radiates from Horror's soul as he criticizes every detail about his own body.

A cold grasp of tentacles around him snaps him out of his despondency. Nightmare pulls Horror into a firm hug, Horror is being held slightly off the ground because of this but he doesn't care. He just buried his face in Nightmare's neck. Nightmare rubs the back of Horror's skull, the other arm behind Horror's back and all his tentacles supporting Horror's weight by wrapping around his legs.

"Don't worry about what you look like... none of us would ever judge you for something you had no say in. We would love you even if you had A million holes in your head." Nightmare says.

"I-I know... I just... forget sometimes..." Horror said. Nightmare kisses his forehead.

"Well then, we will remind you. Every single day if we have to." Nightmare said.


Today however was A completely normal day. And that's why A knife was thrown across the room right next to Dust's head. Killer and Dust glare at each other, Killer leaning close to his face and grabs the knife but doesn't pull it out just yet.

"Why don't you take A pictures? It'll last longer." Dust said. Horror watched, red faced.

"Don't. You dare do something that stupid again." Killer said. "Or I will make you regret it."

"Oh yeah? How so?" Dust asked. Killer just looks Dust up and down and laughs A bit, pulling the knife out of the wall with A hard yank and drags it carefully across Dust's neck bone.

"Don't test me or you'll find out.~" Killer said. Dust scoffs and the two of them walk off in different directions. Horror stands there having gay panic.

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