Chapter 16

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Yoongi sighed as she looked at the sleeping girl and cat the slept next to her head. She had been sleep so the fun has worn down.

Yoongi got up and looked back at the sleeping girl one more time before completley exiting the room. He walked all the way down to first floor, to room 15. All the girl froze when they turned their head and saw him. Some on the beds and some on the floor.

"Ladies, I'm sure all you girls know why you are here by now?" Some nodded and some stayed silent.

"What'd does abuse mean?" Kimberly asked out loud to Yoongi, the older girl that was holding her tried shushing her up.

"Abuse is when a person causes another person harm or distress. Some people at the orphanage was causing Armoni harm and stress." Yoongi explained to the young girl.

"Was it any of us?" Kimberly asked.

"No, everyone in this room was innocent."

"Is that why Lisa is not in here?" The younger girl asked as she looked around, not seeing Lisa anywhere.

"Yeah, exactly. Did you see her be mean to Armoni?" At this point it was pretty much a conversation between him and Kimberly, completely ignoring the other girls.

"Yes, I see Lisa, Jennie, and Irene do it all the time, and a few other girls but Armoni is so sweet, why would they do that?" Kimberly asked confused.

"Nobody knows, they just don't have a heart like normal people, which is why they don't deserve a death like normal people." Yoongi explained, the other girls getting what he meant as they looked at him with a shocked face.

"You guys will stay here until I can get a new owner for the orphanage, all for free, too. And when I do find the right owner for the orphanage, I will pay to get that place fixed up. Don't be afraid to report any problems with the new owner, either. Thank you." Yoongi left without the girls asking any other questions and went into the boys room.

"Is Armoni okay?" One of the boys immediately asked.

"Yes. Who are you?" Yoongi looked the boy up and down. This wasn't Armoni's boyfriend or anything like that, right?

"I'm Kihyun, one of Armoni's friends. Well not friends, we talk every once and then but she's really sweet. Who did it?" The boy explained before asking the question.

"You'll find out in a few days. So as I told to the girls, nobody in this room did anything to hurt Armoni. You guys will be staying here until I can get a new owner for the orphanage l for free no matter what damage or how long. When I do find I new owner I will pay to get the place fixed up. Any questions?" Yoongi asked.

"Where is Armoni now?" A different boy asked.

"She's safe, that's all you need to know." The boy nodded. Yoongi then left that room, sighing as he know was making his way to the dungeon. He was not prepared to deal with these so called people without actually killing them right there.

"Hey!" Yoongi went to the womens cell first, seeing her doze of while staring at the dirty wall.

"Oh, king, you have to understand, I didn't do anything, I'm innocent!" Before the women could come closer to him, Yoongi swung his sword around him, inches away from her nose, her hair flowing from the wind that came from it.

"Sit. Down." Yoongi demanded. The women gulped but did as she was told.

"You said that you didn't do anything but the child even said that they sometimes see you hit Armoni when she fails to do simple task. Can you explain that?" Yoongi stood about 3 feet way from her.

"W-well, Your Majesty, those are just child, they don't know the differences from abuse or discipline. If I tell the girl to clean the kitchen, she should clean the kitchen, righ-??" Before the women could finish her sentence, she felt something cold go cut threw her skin on her face, seeing Yoongi with his sword in his hand.

"That isn't discipline, you don't beat a girl for no reason. Do you know how many bruises Armoni has?" Yoongi asked. The women shook her head 'no' with blood running down her cheek.

"I'm gonna count every bruise on her, and that how many times you're going to get whip before your final execution." Yoongi explained. The women nodded, being to guilty to say anything else.

"Don't start feeling guilty now, it won't help you in 3 days from now." Yoongi stated as he existed the cell.

"Y-your Majesty." Irene was the first to notice Yoongi standed at the doorway, pathetically standing up to bow causing the others to do so.

"Do 'y-your majesty' me. Why'd you do it?" Yoongi immediately got to the point.

"And don't think about lying, it will only make things worse for you." Yoongi said to the people in the room.

"I-I honestly don't know why, I-I just wanted to fit in, I didn't want that to happen to me, too, and she made me!" Jennie pointed to Irene, the others staying silent.

"Is that al you guys have to say? Okay, your punishment, you 3 will either have to pay 14,000,000 or spend 14 years in jail. As for the rest, 50,000 or 5 years in jail." The king explained.

"But that isn't fair, you know we have no money!" A random kid ran up to him, he sliced his head of in one move, causing others to scream as blood went everywhere.

"Exactly." Yoongi said before leaving.

Yoongi decided that he couldn't go in the other ceil to be faced with the twisted man, so instead sent another person to do so.

Yoongi sighed when he heard screaming as he was exiting the dungeon.

"I'll kill all of you, Armoni, Min Yoongi, your whole family, I don't give a fuck!!!!!"  Yoongi smirked, he'll be screaming the exact opposite.

"Yoongi!" As soon as Yoongi opened the bedroom door, Armoni ran up to him while crying.

"What's the matter, love? Why are you crying?" Yoongi asked concerned as he lifted her head from his chest.

"I ha-had a bad dream and Wh-when I woke up, y-you were not there, a-and I thought you left me." Armoni explained through her sobs, covering her face back in his chest.

"It's okay, I'm here now, and I'll never leave you. Do you want to talk about your dream?" Yoongi offered as he lead her to the bed where they both sat down.

"Y-you were yelling and hitting me, but-but not only y-you, Rose and Yeji Unnie were there, too, and Jimin, Niki, Hobi, and even Jungkook, and then there was nothing else but darkness but I could still hear a little girl crying." Armoni explained the awful dream to Yoongi.

"No, baby, we would never do anything like that to you, none of us." Yoongi hugged her.

It was at that moment Yoongi realized that this girl wasn't just over the fact that that happened to her for 14 year straight, she wasn't normal. That dream she had was her fear of them including himself betraying and hurting her.

She's not normal, she went through 14 years of trauma and abuse, Yoongi loving her isn't just going to make her normal. She needs actual help, like a therapist.

"It's okay, baby, you'll be fine, I'm heard and I love you."

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