Chapter 27

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"Daddy, I down't won ta weave you!" Armoni held onto Yoongi as Hobi watch, biting his lip as he knew this was one of the worst times for this to happen right now.

"I know you don't want to, little one, but how about you go color or something while me and Hobi talk." Yoongi said, trying his best to get something to at least distract her for a second.

"Why is she acting like this? She never has been like this whenever she slipped before. Why now?" Yoongi asked frustrated at he gripped his hair tightly, looking at the little who pouted on the ground while throwing crayons madly.

"I know things might be complicated right now, Yoongi, but you can't blame her. There also has to be some reason she slipped into a younger headspace, did you try asking her?" Hobi asked as he also studied the little.

"Yes. I asked her her age also, she said she was 2 and when she told me she needed to slip, she also said she apparently stayed in big space all day yesterday to prepare for this day but she didn't reach the goal." Yoongi explained.

"Yep. That's why she fell into smaller headspace. And she calls you daddy cause she finally excepts you as her caregiver." Hobi smiled.

"Dada, ar youw gowing to weave me?" Armoni asked Yoongi, her doe Bambi eyes filling with tears.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, baby, but daddy has business to take care of." Yoongi kissed the little.

"B-but, daddy-" The little couldn't even finish explaining before she bursted into tears, holding on tight to her daddy.

"I know, babygirl. It's okay, I promise. You're gonna be with Hobi, you two are gonna have fun, and I'll be back before you even notice I was gone." Yoongi explained to her in a smoothing voice, stroking her hair.

"Have fun with Hobi? Can Kookie come? And unnies? And Oppa Jiminie? Eben Niki-ah?" The girls eyes lighten up when Yoongi hesitantly nodded his head yes.

"Otay, Dada. I be goowd girwl and sday with Hobi." Armoni smiled and skipped over to Hobi.

"Okay. Be a good girl for Daddy and I'll see you in a bit." Yoongi smiled and kissed his Little's forehead before leaving the two alone.

"So, Moni, Yoongi told me you were 2. Is this your first time being this young?" Hobi asked the little.

"I ish whittle baby." Moni answered back. Hobi just laughed and took that as a yes.

"Wilw you hewp me bine Kookie?" Moni asked Hobi as she pointed at the door, slightly titling her head.

"Hmm, Kookie's not here today, Sweetie." Hobi said, hoping the little wouldn't cry over the fact that beloved Jungkook wasn't here.

"Zo gets him." The little spoke sassily, spill pointing at the door.

"No, Moni, he's with his family in the village." Hobi explained to her.

"Bine. Yeji unnie?" The little asked.

"I can't, sweetie. She, Rose, Jimin, and Niki are busy, remember?" Hobi explained to the girl once again.

"Buwts I wans them!" She whined and pouted, crossing her arms.

"I can't get them for you, darling. They are doing something really important right now." Hobi got closer to the girl, trying to comfort her but she instead bursting into tears.

"Nu! I wan vem! I wan dada!" Moni cried, pushing Hobi away.

"Moni, stop this. Do you want a punishment?" Hobi tried his best not to yell. He has dealt with a little before and knew that yelling only made them cry even more.

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