Chapter 25

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"Armoni, baby, I'm so sorry." Yoongi immediately went to Armoni, ignoring the others as if they weren't there. Armoni anxiously looked at Rose and Yeji, not knowing what to do.

"I- Um, okay..?" She said, not knowing what to do as she felt pressured because of all the eyes that were on them.

"You aren't mad? You can be mad at me, you know that right?" Yoongi asked, surprised but also knowing that Armoni did feel some type of way despite what she said.

"I kn-know. I'm not mad though, I-I..." Armoni stop, due to tears about to fall out her eyes. She refused to cry Infront of all them.

"It's okay. We can talk about it later." Yoongi grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him and kissing her forehead before turning his attention back to the rest of his family.

"Father, grandfather, I have realized-"

"So what are you going to do, Yoongi?" His grandfather cut him off.

"What do you mean? What you guys were suggesting." Yoongi said confused by the additude change.

"Well Yoongi, we have decide that your were right. You are the King, a grown man, and also mature enough to make a responsible decision on your own, with the help of the Queen. And both me, your grandfather, and Jisoo know that you won't fail us. We trust you." Yoongi looked at them confused. What all happened while he was gone?

"S-so, you're putting fate in me and Armoni to figure this out all on our own?" Yoongi asked in a good kind of disbelief.

"Yes. You guys are the King and Queen, you own the kingdom. But I will suggest one thing, don't let you ego get in the way of it." Jin spoke carefully.

"I'll do my best, Appa." And with that Armoni and him left.

"Now, let's talk about your feelings, you said you felt a way after that, right?" Yoongi sat them both on the bed, eager to know what was on Armoni's mind.

"M-my? Why? There's a attack going on probably and you're worried at me?" Armoni asked in slight shock.

"Yes. You. If there is really something that you have on your mind about what just happened, I want to know. I want to actually make sure you're okay." Yoongi explained to the younger girl.

"Y-yes. I'm starting to... doubt.. you." Armoni said slowly, hoping Yoongi wouldn't have a crazy reaction to what she was saying.

"What type of doubt? My love?" Yoongi questioned, hoping she wasn't doubting his love for her.

"Not exactly, I'm starting to doubt y-your words. Ya know like when you said you w-wouldn't.. hurt me like they did." Armoni got quieter and quieter at the end of sentence.

"Which is my love for you." Yoongi said sternly, making Armoni regret telling him anything.

"N-no, it's di-different. Just let me finish." Armoni exclaimed. She actually wished Hoseok was here, he seems to be the only one who can control Yoongi's ego somehow. Yoongi mentioned for her to go on.

"I'm not doubting your love. I'm doubting what you say. You pretty much told me that one night that you wouldn't take your anger out on me, yet you did earlier." Armoni explained calmly.

"But did I hit or touch you?" Yoongi asked sternly. Armoni's heart stung as she heard that.

"N-no. But that's not the point Yoongi-"

"Then you shouldn't be doubting my love. I said I would never hit you again that night and I still haven't." Yoongi spoke coldly. Armoni rolled her eyes as she scoffed.

"You're not listening to me which is making you completely miss the point. I never said that your love wasn't real-"

"Came here cause I had a bad feeling. What we doing?" Hobi casually bursted into the door, causing both Armoni and Yoongi to snap their heads towards them.

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